- About Gwen Frostic
- Foundation Art
- Studio Art B.A.
- Art History B.A.
- Art Education B.F.A.
- Animation B.S.
- Ceramics B.F.A.
- Ceramics Post-Baccalaureate
- Ceramics M.F.A.
- Game Art B.S.
- Graphic Design B.F.A.
- Metals/Jewelry B.F.A.
- Painting B.F.A.
- Photography B.F.A.
- Printmedia B.F.A.
- Sculpture B.F.A.
- Video Art B.S.
- Pre-Art Therapy
- Minors
- WMU Essential Studies
- Alumni
- DeVries Professional Immersion
- Enrichment Grants
- Gwen Frostic Scholarships
- Art Star Awards
- John M. Carney Award
- Kathleen Debler Scholarship
- Enz Memorial Award
- Hallock Educational Enhancement Award
- Gregory Humes Enrichment
- Keaveny Family Travel Fund
- Roha Lee Scholarship
- Charles Meyer Award
- Monsour-Shubeck CFA Scholarship
- Rensenhouse Travel Fund
- Elizabeth Smutz Award
- Tashjian Art Teaching Scholarship
- Ward Art Scholarship
- Student Exhibition Awards
- WMU Presidential Scholar
- Facilities
- News
- Giving
- Contact Us
B.F.A. Program Admissions

After you have been accepted to the Frostic School of Art as a Bachelor of Art candidate, you have the option to apply to one of the following Bachelor of Fine Arts programs: B.F.A. in art educationwith teacher certification (K–12), B.F.A. in graphic design, or B.F.A. in art with an emphasis in ceramics, metals/jewelry, painting, photography, photography, printmedia or sculpture. Application processes for each of these B.F.A. programs are detailed below.
B.F.A. in Art Education
Portfolio reviews for admission into the B.F.A. in art education program will be held in the spring semester of the freshman year and will be applicable for admission in the fall semester of the sophomore year. In order to remain in this program, students must take their art education courses in their proper sequence. BFA applications due in February each year.
B.F.A. in Graphic Design
Portfolio reviews for admission into the B.F.A. program with a major in graphic design will be held in the spring semester of the freshman year and will be applicable for admission in the fall semester of the sophomore year. In order to remain in this program, students must take their graphic design courses in their proper sequence. BFA applications due in February each year.
B.F.A. in Art with an EMPHASIS in Ceramics or Metals/Jewelry or Painting or Photography or Printmedia or Sculpture
Portfolio reviews for admission into the B.F.A. program with an emphasis in ceramics, metals/jewelry, painting, photography, printmedia, or sculpture. BFA applications are due in February each year.