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B.F.A. with an emphasis in Printmedia

The printmedia area is an active laboratory of studio artists who engage in traditional as well as contemporary practices in printmaking. The area reflects the multi-disciplinary and ever-evolving nature of the medium, which students learn to navigate and (re)define. As such, the area emphasizes critical and creative thinking, interdisciplinary approaches and innovative research. Facilities accommodate research in relief, intaglio, lithography, screen printing, monoprinting and installation, among others. Faculty mentors work closely with students to expose them to new methods in contemporary art such as research into art, social and contextual practices. The aim is to engage students to think creatively within current practices and in relation to contemporary artists.

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The mission of Frostic School of Art’s Visiting Artist program is tri-fold: to provide students direct, meaningful contact with working artists, both established and emerging; to elevate the regional, national, and international profile of the Frostic School of Art and Richmond Center for Visual Arts; and to nurture a sense of community among students, faculty and staff within WMU’s College of Fine Arts. Recent visiting artists and scholars that supported the printmedia curriculum include; Willie Cole, Erik Waterkotte, Sang-Mi Yoo, Amos P. Kennedy, Jr., Ryan Standfest, Eddy A. López, Martyna Matusiak, Ryan Standfest

CURRICULUM: Bachelor of fine arts WITH AN EMPHASIS IN Printmedia

Basic studies requirement—18 credits

  • ART 1040 Object Drawing
  • ART 1050 Drawing Studio
  • ART 1070 Form and Surface
  • ART 1080 Form and Space
  • ART 2170 Writing About Art and Design
  • ART 2360 Professional Practice

Art History — 12 credits

Two of the four 2000-level Art History courses (6 hours)

  • ART 2200 Caves to Cathedrals
  • ART 2210 Modern and Postmodern
  • ART 2220 Art of Africa, Oceania, and the Americas
  • ART 2230 Introduction to Asian Art History


Two additional Art History courses at the 3000 or 4000-level, or at the 5000-level with instructor approval.

Printmedia emphasis requirement—22 credits

  • ART 2800 Printmedia I (3 credits) 
  • ART 3800 Printmedia II (3 credits) 
  • ART 3000 Topics in Printmedia (3 credits) – repeatable for credit
  • ART 4200 2D Contemporary Practice (3 credits) 
  • ART 4700 Topics in Studio Art (3 credits) – repeatable for credit
  • ART 4830 Senior Project I (fall 3 credits) 
  • ART 4840 Senior Project II (spring 4 credits)

Art studio electives—33 credits

  • Three hours of non-western art history, and all art education credits, may be applied to the elective requirement.


  • Art Major—85 credits
  • General Education—37 credits
  • Total Credit Hours—122 credits

Students should consult the WMU catalog for the printmedia program course descriptions and requirements.

WMU catalog


Portfolio reviews

Portfolio reviews for admission into the B.F.A. program with an emphasis in printmedia will be held in February. Check for posters in the hallway in January and an email from advising.



The printmedia facilities accommodate all manner of contemporary and traditional processes while remaining committed to providing a healthy, non-toxic working environment. Over 4000 square feet of space houses facilities for the creation of traditional to more ephemeral forms in the expanded field of printmediaThere is also a communal paper preparation area and dedicated computer lab for the creation of digital imagery and photomechanical transparencies. Our students also have access to a lasercutter and a CNC router. 

Lithography Equipment

  •  Takach lithographic press ( 40 x 72 inch bed)              
  •  Two Brand presses (36 by 48 inch beds)
  •  A Griffin press (32 by 56 inch bed)
  •  A large selection of over 100 stones ranging in size from eight by 10 inches to 30 by 40 inches
  •  A 12 foot graining sink, and a dedicated dark room equipped with a 32 by 42 inch exposure unit.

Screenprint Equipment

  •  8 Printing tables & 4 portable tables
  •  A 48 by 60 inch vacuum table, generous screen and flat file storage
  •  A dedicated darkroom with washout sink and power washer
  •  A NuArc (32 by 42 inch) format exposure unit.

Intaglio + Relief Equipment

  •  Takach etching press (34 x 60 inch bed)
  •  A Brand press (32 by 48 inch bed)
  •  A Griffin Press  (40 by 60 inch bed)
  •  A Ettan Tabletop Press (24 by 48 inch bed)
  •  Two large 36 by 36 by 14-inch vertical etching tanks, acid hood and a large collection of rollers and brayers.

Other Equipment

  •   ShopBot CNC Router (36 x 24 inch cutting surface) 
  •   Epilog Laser Fusion (40 x 28 inch cutting surface) 


This blog began in the fall of 2009 to disseminate the goings on of the printmedia area at Western Michigan University.


Previous Visiting Artists from Printmedia

Erik Waterkotte

Sang-Mi Yoo

Amos P. Kennedy, Jr.

Leslie LePere

Ryan Standfest

Eddy A. López

Martyna Matusiak

Ryan Standfest