- About Gwen Frostic
- Foundation Art
- Studio Art B.A.
- Art History B.A.
- Art Education B.F.A.
- Animation B.S.
- Ceramics B.F.A.
- Ceramics Post-Baccalaureate
- Ceramics M.F.A.
- Game Art B.S.
- Graphic Design B.F.A.
- Metals/Jewelry B.F.A.
- Painting B.F.A.
- Photography B.F.A.
- Printmedia B.F.A.
- Sculpture B.F.A.
- Video Art B.S.
- Pre-Art Therapy
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- DeVries Professional Immersion
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- Gwen Frostic Scholarships
- Art Star Awards
- John M. Carney Award
- Kathleen Debler Scholarship
- Enz Memorial Award
- Gernant Family Fine Arts Scholarship
- Hallock Educational Enhancement Award
- Gregory Humes Enrichment
- Keaveny Family Travel Fund
- Roha Lee Scholarship
- Loew Young Artist Scholarship
- Charles Meyer Award
- Monsour-Shubeck CFA Scholarship
- Rensenhouse Travel Fund
- Elizabeth Smutz Award
- Tashjian Art Teaching Scholarship
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Keaveny Family Art History Travel Award
The Keaveny Family Art History Travel Award was established by Richard J. and Joyce E. Keaveny to support travel opportunities for Frostic School of Art students who are enrolled in upper level art history courses. The travel fund is intended for students who wish to enhance their art history courses and research through travel. Allowable expenses include but not limited to transportation (airfare, bus, train, etc), lodging, food, entrance fees to museums and exhibits and other associated trip costs.
Dick Keaveny, received a BS in Art Education from the Massachusetts College of Art and a MFA in Painting from the Rhode Island School of Design. He retired from the Gwen Frostic School of Art at Western Michigan University in April 2011.
Nomination Deadline
- Second Friday in February
Award Amount
- Amounts vary from year to year, the spring 2022 award is $750
- Typically one award by nomination and proposal
Eligibility Criteria
- Undergraduate Frostic School of Art student enrolled in 3000 – 5000 level art history course during the award year
- Must be enrolled full-time
- Students must provide a proposal for travel with budget at the time of nomination
- Students are nominated by art history faculty and endorsed by the Director of the Frostic School of Art