- About Gwen Frostic
- Foundation Art
- Studio Art B.A.
- Art History B.A.
- Art Education B.F.A.
- Animation B.S.
- Ceramics B.F.A.
- Ceramics Post-Baccalaureate
- Ceramics M.F.A.
- Game Art B.S.
- Graphic Design B.F.A.
- Metals/Jewelry B.F.A.
- Painting B.F.A.
- Photography B.F.A.
- Printmedia B.F.A.
- Sculpture B.F.A.
- Video Art B.S.
- Pre-Art Therapy
- Minors
- WMU Essential Studies
- Alumni
- DeVries Professional Immersion
- Enrichment Grants
- Gwen Frostic Scholarships
- Art Star Awards
- John M. Carney Award
- Kathleen Debler Scholarship
- Enz Memorial Award
- Hallock Educational Enhancement Award
- Gregory Humes Enrichment
- Keaveny Family Travel Fund
- Roha Lee Scholarship
- Charles Meyer Award
- Monsour-Shubeck CFA Scholarship
- Rensenhouse Travel Fund
- Elizabeth Smutz Award
- Tashjian Art Teaching Scholarship
- Ward Art Scholarship
- Student Exhibition Awards
- WMU Presidential Scholar
- Facilities
- News
- Giving
- Contact Us
Friends of the Richmond Center
Since the founding of the Richmond Center for Visual Arts in 2007, members of the Friends affiliate group have created our core off-campus community, spread news about RCVA to wider audiences, and shared the excitement of our events, exhibitions, and vision for the future. Friends of the Richmond Center also provide integral financial support by sponsoring exhibition previews and receptions, and helping to offset the costs of exhibition production.
Members of the RCVA Friends affiliate group directly support the Richmond Center’s mission to act as an anchor for the presentation and interpretation of contemporary art and design on the campus of Western Michigan University, within the city of Kalamazoo, and throughout the southwest Michigan area.
Each membership in the Friends of the Richmond Center for Visual Arts helps underwrite production costs for exhibitions that feature national and international artists, as well as regional artists, faculty, and students. Friend members provide integral support for educational programming and cultural events as well as wages for student gallery assistants who are essential to RCVA’s day to day operations.
Along with students and faculty of WMU’s Frostic School of Art and the University at large, the Friends of the Richmond Center represent our primary constituency—from those curious about contemporary art and its social, political or cultural role, to individuals who value the art of our time as essential to one’s lifelong growth, education, and the overall vitality of our community.
To join the Friends of the Richmond Center for Visual Arts, please contact Katie Mumby, Coordinator of Exhibitions here.
Board members
- President: James Cupper
- Treasurer: Tracie Moored
- Gordon Bolar
- Ron Boyd
- Mark Bugnaski
- Jeanne Deliefde
- Michael Dombos
- Maryellen Hains
- Nancy Trimble Kern
- Marissa LaDitka
- Sandra Linabury
- Beth McCann
- Nancy Payne
- Helene Reish
- Denise Richards
- Linda Rzoska
- Elaine Seaman
- Wendi Sullivan
- Randy Walker
- Sharon Williams
Honorary Members
- Jim and Lois Richmond
Faculty Liaisons
- Karen Bondarchuk
- William Davis
Frostic School of Art Director
- Adriane Little*
*non-voting member
Ex-officio members
- Bob Brown
- Susan Brown
- Don Desmett
- Bob DeVries
- Eleanor DeVries
- Linda Dunn
- Gail Kasdorf
- Tom Kasdorf
- Margaret Merrion
- Jane Todd
- John Todd
- Phil VanderWeg
- Tricia Hennessy