Outstanding Alumni Profile


Congratulations on being selected as a 2015 College of Arts and Sciences Outstanding Alumni. Alumni who receive this award have distinguished themselves from their peers through their contributions to their field as well as to their community. Please provide the following information by Aug. 14 so that we can feature you in future College of Arts and Sciences communications to the Western Michigan University community.

A headshot photo at least 1200 pixels wide x 1800 pixels high (or larger of similar proportion) is needed for inclusion in the Alumni Achievement Awards program. Sample of headshot composition: http://www.wmich.edu/cas/cms/sample-headshot.jpg.
One file only.
10 MB limit.
Allowed types: gif, jpg, png.
Check awards that apply to you
Include current professional responsibilities; awards and honors; and involvement in professional organizations, community/civic organizations, and WMU.

If you have any questions, please contact the College of Arts and Sciences at (269) 387-4350.