Experiencing Research for Teaching Science Application
Applications can be sent by email using this form, or sent by regular mail. They must be submitted/postmarked no later than March 31.
Send letters of recommendation and official transcripts to:
Attn: Cathy Northcutt
Western Michigan University
3225 Wood Hall
Kalamazoo, MI 49008-5444 USA
- Current Western Michigan University undergraduate, sophomore or junior standing.
- Secondary science, elementary, and middle school education majors, or considering a career in secondary science teaching in chemistry, biological sciences, physics, or geosciences. This program is for undergraduates who have a clear interest in K12 teaching. It is not intended for science majors planning to go to medical school or graduate school in the sciences.
- Cumulative GPA of 2.50 or higher and minimum of 16 credit hours in the sciences.
- Please note that Fellows are expected to take the Scientific Inquiry and Nature of Science course and complete the two-week summer teaching experience during the year after their summer research internship. Therefore, applicants should have at least three semesters of coursework (including offical teaching internship) remaining in their degree after the summer research internship.
- Fellows may be called in for an interview upon completion of the application process.