Liberal Education Curriculum Survey
The introduction of Western Essential Studies gives the College of Arts and Sciences at Western Michigan University an opportunity to revisit and revise the Liberal Education Curriculum. The LEC is a set of CAS-specific graduation requirements; all CAS students must complete the LEC in order to graduate with a major in CAS. The precise catalog language and requirements of the current LEC are outlined here.
The LEC was conceived in the mid-1990s, and was originally envisioned as a more comprehensive program than the current LEC. The full, initially-envisioned LEC program was never implemented, but an overview of this program provides some useful context regarding the rationale for the creation of LEC as it now exists. The current version of the LEC explicitly values and requires language and critical thinking proficiency as essential constituents of a liberal arts education; it proscribes specific critical thinking courses that may be used to satisfy the current general education proficiency 4c and requires CAS students to complete a full year of world language study.
With the launch of Western Essential Studies, we have a unique opportunity to revisit the LEC and the content, skills and proficiencies that we believe every student graduating from CAS with a liberal arts degree should acquire. The LEC can be kept essentially as is, revised, or entirely eliminated, if we determine that with the implementation of WES it is no longer needed. The College Curriculum Committee will evaluate these options and make a final, formal curricular recommendation by October 2019, in time to implement any changes with the introduction of Essential Studies in fall 2020. The newly formed LEC Workgroup will facilitate this discussion by collecting information from students, faculty, staff and alumni, and then develop recommendations based on these responses.
The workgroup is requesting feedback on the desired future direction of the LEC. Your responses to the following are deeply appreciated, as they will allow the workgroup to better represent the interests of the students, faculty, staff and alumni of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Although individual rationales are not required, the workgroup would appreciate thorough responses to questions 1-4.