Arts and Sciences International Study Scholarship


As part of its commitment to increase access to international education, the College of Arts and Sciences at Western Michigan University invites qualified undergraduates to apply for funds to help support their study abroad experience. 

Scholarship recipients agree to provide a one-page written reflection describing their experience and its impact on them. They must also provide one picture that may be used in College of Arts and Sciences promotional materials. Scholarship recipients may be called upon to share their study abroad experiences with other WMU students. 


October 18 for study abroad in the following spring semester or summer I semester. (If your study abroad experience occurs over the holiday closure or upcoming spring break, you should also apply by October 18.) 

March 14 for study abroad programs scheduled to take place in the following summer I, summer II, or fall semesters.

In summary, please plan to apply for funding at least one semester before you anticipate needing funds. If you have questions please reach out to for clarification. 

Funding Details

  • Depending on our available funds, Arts and Sciences Study Abroad scholarships typically range from $250-$1800. The length of your trip has a significant impact on this amount.
  • The number of qualified applicants, strength of the applications, understanding of student's financial needs, and the availability of funds in our budget will determine final award amounts. 
  • This scholarship will be applied directly to the student’s WMU account and may impact the student's overall financial aid. Students should always contact the Office of Financial Aid to determine scholarship, grant, and award impacts on overall tuition and expenses.

Applicant Eligibility

  • Plan to complete a study abroad or international internship for credit. 
  • Be a WMU undergraduate student in good academic standing with at least a 3.0 GPA.
  • Ability to provide proof of enrollment in an approved Study Abroad program for the future semester in which you are requesting support.
  • Have a declared major within WMU’s College of Arts and Sciences. WMU Arts and Sciences minors may apply, but priority is given to majors.
  • Have completed or be enrolled in at least 9 credit hours within the College of Arts and Sciences at WMU. 

Guidelines for Proposal Preparation on Scholarship Universe

  1. Please visit the Scholarship Universe Portal to apply: 
  2. Applicants will be prompted to submit a 1-2 page essay that includes all of the following information:
    1. Why do you want to study abroad at this time?
    2. What activities will you complete while abroad, including:
      • Coursework
      • Research
      • Other academic, professional, and personal growth opportunities
    3. Describe how this opportunity will enrich you and your overall academic experience, particularly in the following areas:
      • Academically or Professionally
      • Personally
      • Cultural competency
    4. How will you share information gained from your study abroad experience with the WMU community?
    5. A brief but detailed statement helping reviewers understand the impact this funding will have on your ability to study abroad. Please include details regarding other sources of funding you have applied for and/or anticipate receiving support from.
  3. You will be prompted to input a faculty or staff advisor email. An automatic request will be sent to this individual asking for their feedback related to your ability to complete this program and how receiving this funding will support you. Please ensure you check with your advisor to ensure they receive and submit this before the deadline. 
  4. Upload a copy of your unofficial WMU transcript available through WMU Degree Works or by contacting the Registrar's Office.


Please do not hesitate to contact the College of Arts and Sciences dean's office with any questions or concerns.