New Directions in Global Engagement Prize

The Western Michigan University College of Arts and Sciences New Directions in Global Engagement Prize honors and celebrates students for their activities in promoting global engagement for the campus or wider community. While many WMU students are globally involved and the College of Arts and Sciences helps stimulate global engagement at the individual level through curriculum and study abroad opportunities, this award speaks instead to the recognition of students for their role and efforts in promoting global engagement in others.

Award information

  • Entries are judged on their relevance in promoting global engagement and on the overall quality of the submission
  • Prize funds are applied directly to the student’s Western Michigan University account and as such may impact financial aid
  • Prize winners agree to allow posting of their submission on the College of Arts and Sciences website(s) and allow use of attributed excerpts in College promotional materials
  • Prize winners may be asked to prepare a public presentation of their project

All awards are subject to final budgetary approval and authorization by the College of Arts and Sciences dean's office.


Feb. 15

  • This prize will be offered as long as funds are available.
  • Applicants will be notified of the results within six weeks of the application deadline date.
  • No late applications will be considered.


  • All applicants must be a declared major in the College of Arts and Sciences and in good academic standing.
  • All applicants must have completed at least nine credit hours at WMU.
  • The project must have been conducted while a WMU student.


Please submit the following materials by the deadline:

  • Completed Student Application Cover Sheet
  • A cover letter summarizing and describing the project and how it fits the terms of the prize
  • Evidence concerning the diffusion of global engagement through this project (e.g. how many people were involved in the activity, timeliness or impact of the project)
  • A letter from a faculty or staff member attesting to the activity and its relevance to the award’s goals.

Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.


College of Arts and Sciences Office of the Dean:

Students should submit the cover sheet, cover letter, and the evidence materials as a single PDF. The faculty or staff person should separately submit the recommendation form for the prize. For all submissions, please enter the award title (New Directions in Global Engagement) and the student's name in the subject line of the email. Emails from WMU accounts may serve in place of signatures.

Only online submissions will be accepted.

2020 Recipient

Justin Black, public relations major


Please do not hesitate to contact the College of Arts and Sciences dean's office with any questions or concerns.

See full list of awards given by the College of Arts and Sciences.