College Curriculum Committee

Meeting dates

2023 Meeting Dates:

September 8

October 13

October 27 (tentative)

November 10

December 8

January 12

February 9

March 15

March 29 (tentative)

April 12

Meeting format and location:

All meetings will occur in room 2302 Friedmann Hall unless you are notified otherwise. Only those joining as committee members attend in person unless arrangements are made with the Curriculum Committee Chair ahead of the meeting for a department representative to join in person to represent a proposal. However, you may access all agendas and minutes using the links below. If you have questions regarding the process or specific proposals, don't hesitate to contact the College of Arts and Sciences Dean's Office to direct your inquiry appropriately.


  • Course proposals are reviewed on a first-come, first-served basis. The CoAS College Curriculum Committee will commit to reviewing up to thirty proposals per meeting. Proposals may be bundled in which case more than thirty may end up being reviewed.
  • Course revisions approved by October 31 may go into effect as early as the following fall term.
  • Course revisions approved by March 31 may go into effect as early as the following spring term.
  • Program changes only go into effect in fall terms and must be approved by October 31 the preceding fall.
  • Complete and correct curriculum proposals submitted by the last day of the spring semester according to the university calendar will be acted upon by the October deadline to ensure they go into effect the following fall term. The committee will act promptly on proposals arriving after that date, but cannot guarantee approval by the October deadline.

Department chairs must submit proposals two weeks in advance of the meeting they would like them considered. Applicants should use paper proposals for all program changes. Applicants should use the Electronic Workflow System for all course changes.

Information and resources

    1. Consult curriculum change guides, forms, and policies at the Faculty Senate curriculum review page to ensure you have included all appropriate materials and information with your proposal.
      Note: Electronic course change submission information can be found here. Please do not request any other workflow roles aside from 'initiator.' If you have questions regarding electronic curriculum approval roles for your unit, contact Ashley Glass.
    2. All course and program changes should be submitted using the electronic workflow system. Information about this process can be found under electronic curriculum forms on the Faculty Senate curriculum review page.
      Note: Be prepared to submit an electronic copy of the proposal upon request.


College of Arts and Sciences Baccalaureate Writing Courses Criteria

 College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee Bylaws

CAS Assessment Index

Secondary Education Post-Baccalaureate Certification Program-Rational

CEHD Secondary Education Post-Baccalaureate Proposal-Approved

