Dunbar Renovation Town Hall


The College of Arts and Sciences is planning a $40M transformational renovation of Dunbar Hall, beginning in summer I 2020. Our design partners at Tower Pinkster/HGA have been hard at work developing preliminary plans for the programming and design of renovated Dunbar Hall. We will be hosting a town hall meeting on Monday, November 4 from 3 to 5 p.m., first floor lobby area of the Bernhard Center  to share these plans and to invite your comments and suggestions. The location of the Town Hall meeting is TBD.

Please RSVP today!  A confirmation email will be sent to all who RSVP.


Affiliation (required)
RSVP (required)
You are welcome to submit comments, suggestions and questions to the design team and planning committee, even if you cannot attend the town hall meeting on Monday, November 4.

College of Arts and Sciences
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5308 USA
main office: (269) 387-4350