
University Libraries is dedicated to helping you discover, explore and shape the information universe. We provide a wide range of resources, programs and services that support the research, creative and academic pursuits of Western Michigan University and the global community.

Collage of digital collections


With millions of items, University Libraries has the information you need. We also have access to the latest online resources and technologies.
Librarian Kate with a patron looking at a computer


We have experts across all our departments that will help to connect you with resources critical to your research, teaching or learning.
Orange patterned chairs facing a table in the library


When you need a quiet place to study, a room to collaborate with others, or just a spot to hang out, we have spaces to serve your needs.
Man playing with virtual reality equipment and a woman playing with that same equipment behind him


We are always looking for ways to encourage experimentation and exploration by bringing new innovative learning and teaching technologies into our spaces.