Library Facts 2022-23
Each year, we gather statistics for the Association of College and Research Libraries and the Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) surveys. Here are some highlights from our 2022-23 fiscal year.
- Librarians (FTE): 20
- Support staff (FTE): 33.12
- Student assistants (FTE): 12.89
Use and services
- Library personnel handled 9,512 research queries in person, by phone and online.
- Librarians provided 525 instructional sessions and workshops reaching 9,889 participants.
- Annual gate count was 224,266 with 4,485 people coming into the Libraries in an average week.
- 18,911 physical items were checked out during the year (not counting renewals).
- WMU Libraries borrowed 4,432 items for WMU users from other libraries and lent 9,160 from our collections to other libraries.
- Libraries' website was visited 111,662 times.
- WMU users retrieved 502,493 articles and 1,032,986 e-books and media items.
- There were 2,014,618 downloads worldwide from WMU’s institutional repository (ScholarWorks).
- 890,959 pages were printed in the Libraries.
- Users logged in to public computers 64,212 times.
This use and services data was compiled from a variety of sources.
- Physical books (titles): 952,241
- Electronic books: 1,174,770
- Physical serials (titles): 16,685
- Electronic serials: 123,839
- Online databases: 713
- Physical media titles (audio/visual): 56,869
- Digital media titles: 316,109
- Items held in WMU’s institutional repository (ScholarWorks): 76,072
This collections data was compiled from a variety of sources.
Unless otherwise stated, these statistics cover all branches of Western Michigan University Libraries.
- Research queries: Reference Analytics transactions in LibAnswers, a ticketing system by Springshare; includes all question formats (in-person, email, live chat, web conference, etc.), and additionally all questions (reference, scheduled consultations, directional, etc.).
- Instructional sessions and workshops: Number of records for Research Instruction Analysis dataset and number of records for Events, Orientations, Workshops, Tours dataset in LibInsight, a data and usage analytics platform for libraries by Springshare. Includes all online and in-person instructional sessions, both synchronous and asynchronous.
- Gate count: Number generated by security gates at the entrances of Waldo Library and Zhang Legacy Collections Center.
- Physical items checked out: Number of fulfilment items in Alma Analytics, a data analysis and reporting tool by Ex Libris for our integrated library system; excludes circulation of equipment and markers.
- Items borrowed from other libraries: Borrowing and document delivery requests count from Fill Rate Statistics web report in ILLiad Client by Atlas Systems, an interlibrary loan management tool. Includes both returnable and non-returnable materials.
- Items lent to other libraries: Lending requests count from Fill Rate Statistics web report in ILLiad Client. Includes both returnable and non-returnable materials.
- Website visits: Sessions count for webpages filtered by subdirectory in Google Analytics, a website tracking tool.
- Articles retrieved: Number of full-text downloads provided by vendors, using COUNTER journal reports, an international standard for reporting usage statistics for electronic resources, and manually compiled data reports.
- E-books and media items retrieved: Number of electronic media and e-book downloads provided by vendors, managed and interpreted via Alma Analytics.
- ScholarWorks downloads: Downloads in the past year count in Digital Commons, an institutional repository and publishing platform for scholarly works.
- Page printed in the Libraries: Total pages count in PaperCut, a print management tool that provides printing access to students across campus.
- Public computers usage: Login sessions count in LabStats, a computer management system that tracks software and hardware usage across campus.
- Physical books (titles): Sum of total titles count for physical items in Alma Analytics, a data analysis and reporting tool by Ex Libris for our integrated library system.
- Electronic books: Sum of total titles count for electronic items in Alma Analytics.
- Physical serials (titles): Number of physical items with resource type set to "journal", "newspaper" or "serial" in Alma Analytics.
- Electronic serials: Number of e-inventory items with resource type set to "journal", "newspaper" or "serial" in Alma Analytics.
- Online databases: Electronic collections count in Alma Analytics.
- Physical media titles (audio/visual): Number of physical items using calculations from map total, music total, visual material total and microform title count in Alma Analytics.
- Digital media titles: Number of e-inventory items from streaming audio and streaming video counts in Alma Analytics.
- ScholarWorks items: Total papers count in Digital Commons.