Streaming video collection 'Kanopy' now available through the University Libraries

Posted by Sara Volmering on April 24, 2023

The University Libraries is excited to announce that Kanopy, a streaming video collection, is now available to all Western faculty, staff and students.

With over 1,000 streaming videos, films and documentaries,  Kanopy supports many subjects and curricula, including race and class studies, gender studies, history, film studies, literature, sciences, education, health, business, political science and performing arts.

“Requests for more streaming videos have grown considerably in the past few years,” said Paul Gallagher, associate dean for resources and digital strategies. “The streaming video era is well upon us, and we’re also seeing that trend in the classroom.”

“We’re excited to bring this new option to campus and provide a larger library of titles for our faculty and students to engage with,” Gallagher said.

The Libraries continues to enhance its collections to support research, teaching and student learning across the University. Additional titles and subscriptions will be announced this summer.

 Access Kanopy online through the University Libraries or search for individual titles through Library Search.

Access Kanopy