Staff Handshake Processes and Promotional Material

This page contains processes and procedures for maintaining and using Handshake as outlined jointly by Career and Student Employment Services and the Zhang Career Center staff. It also contains documentation from Handshake for Career Services staff. 


Account Management | Job Posting and Promoting | Navigating HandshakeReporting | Payments | Fairs | Interview SchedulesEvents | Declining | MentoringPromotional Material | CSES onboarding/housekeeping


Handshake resources for Career Services staff 

Technical Handshake documentation for Career Services and IT staff


Account management

Managing notifications/unsubscribing from emails

What if an employer has a different email domain than their company?


Getting started

What students should update every semester on the Handshake account

Assisting a student having trouble logging into Handshake

Manually adding a student to Handshake

How students completely log out of their Handshake accounts


Getting started

Accepting alumni account requests

Employer Off-Campus

Getting started (contact account)

User settings

Creating an employer (company) account

Manually creating a contact profile

How to assist an off-campus employer that has trouble logging into their account

Answering the question: are there resume books in Handshake?

Approving and labeling off-campus employer access requests

Labeling contacts and employers

What to do when an employer contact is no longer with the company/in a recruiting role

Employer On-Campus

How an on-campus employer creates an account - make sure they know to search for "Western Michigan University" as their employer. After they choose their employer, they will be able to choose their division from the drop-down menu provided. 

Labeling contacts

Approving on-campus employer requests

On-campus contact no longer with WMU/in a recruiting role

Employer Residential

They should not make an account. We will post their job for them; refer to "Residential job posting process" below.  

Job Posting and promoting

How employers post:
Off-campus employer job posting process
On-campus employer job posting process: same as off-campus above, but they must choose "On Campus Student Employment" as the employment type

Job review (approval/decline) process

An employer wants applications emailed directly to them instead of sending candidates to a website - direct them to step 2 of this page

How can an employer improve their posting to attract more candidates?

Work Study job posting process

Approving unpaid internships

Approving work study jobs

Residential job posting process

Promoting part-time jobs through Handshake - please note: CSES employer engagement team no longer promotes part-time jobs. Please contact Buffy Nespodzany with any questions.

Navigating Handshake

Handshake search tips 


Monthly job summary report for CSES dashboard

Student report for CSES dashboard

Employer report for CSES dashboard 


Manually entering a payment for a fair in Handshake

"Fulfilling orders" (credit card payments) for career fairs in TouchNet

How do I send an invoice?

How to download all invoices for one employer or for all employers

Creating a store in TouchNet - at this time, any questions can be directed to Amanda Jeppesen: | 7-2731 


"Fairs" refers to the large career fairs that we host (ex. Career Fair, Education Fair, Business Career Day, etc)

Naming a fair in Handshake - template

Creating a fair in Handshake

Accepting registrations for career fairs in Handshake

How an employer views their career fair registration

How do I duplicate a career fair?

How do I cancel a career fair registration? 

Interview schedules

Requesting and managing an interview schedule in Handshake - you may need to activate the permission to post interview schedules on the employer's profile 


"Events" refers to smaller events such as employer information sessions.

Creating an event in Handshake


Declining unqualified unpaid internships


Message to send to people requesting "mentor" access in Handshake

Promotional material


Promotional poster 11x17

Promotional poster 18x24

Career Center

Half sheet flyers to put in the mailboxes of or give to faculty and staff

Quarter sheet flyers to distribute to students


Half sheet flyers to put in the mailboxes of or give to faculty and staff 

Quarter sheet flyers to distribute to students

CSES housekeeping/onboarding

What accesses student employees need and how to get them those accesses (building and swipe access/payroll)

Getting a student employee into Handshake/WExchange/TouchNet/S Drive/added to directory (Beth)

How to get into your work email/all of the emails

What access should be terminated when a student leaves and how to terminate those accesses 

Which groups of students should have access to what systems?