History of Strategic Planning
The history of the strategic planning process for the College of Education and Human Development at Western Michigan University.
- July 30, 2013: Donor luncheon
- Aug. 28, 2013: Staff focus group
- Sept. 4, 2013: Chairs focus group
- Sept. 13, 2013: Faculty and student focus groups
- Oct. 14-15, 2013: Retreat for committee members
- Nov. 8 and 9, 2013: Town hall meeting
- December 2013
- Disseminate final draft of the map, town hall meeting feedback notes, and implementation plan to the college, department chairs and post online.
- Announce the sponsoring leader (Ming Li) and project leaders (Kathy Cummings and Chris Cheatham) for the implementation of the strategic plan.
- Select co-leaders (front line leaders) for the five priority implementation teams:
- Clarify and communicate college's identity and contribution
- Culture and engagement
- Recruiting, enrollment and retention
- Outcome assessment and program quality
- Alternative revenue streams
- January 2014
- Select priority implementation team members and meet with Tim Fallon to review how to write priority implementation plans.
- February 2014
- Complete draft plans for the five priorities.
- March 2014
- Co-leads meet to discuss coordination and resources for priority implementation plans.
- Begin implementation of priority plans.