Daria Orlowska
Western Michigan University
1903 W Michigan Ave
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5353 USA

Make an appointment to discuss your data needs, such as managing your data in the short and long term, creating a workflow for a new project, finding secondary data for your research, exploring data repositories, or preparing your data for sharing. For a full list of services offered, visit the Data Services and Education webpage.
Request forms:
For help procuring data for a project, request a data purchase.
For assistance with data management plans (DMPs), request a data management plan review. Not sure where to get started? Request a consultation for personalized support.
For on-demand workshops about data topics such as managing your data, data documentation or data sharing for your department, class or lab, request a data workshop. A playlist of previously held data workshops is available through the University Libraries' YouTube channel. The Data Management Planning workshop is available through the Office of Research and Innovation’s Research Workshops by Appointment.