Black Lives Matter Statement

Posted by Julie Garrison, Dean of University Libraries, on
October 7, 2020

We acknowledge that a statement is not enough and hold ourselves accountable for enacting meaningful change. We are working to educate ourselves and commit to developing programming, collections, and practices that include the voices and perspectives of black, indigenous and people of color. 

University Libraries Community,

We are heartbroken and struggling with the disparity and social injustice in our society that has culminated most recently with the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis.

We must state unequivocally that Black Lives Matter. It is necessary to state these words because systemic racism in our society has resulted in violence and aggression towards black men and women in our country every day.

The University Libraries strives to be a place that welcomes everyone to enjoy equal access to information no matter who you are. We value inclusion and equity, and we must do more to help address systemic racism and confront the issues affecting our students and community.

We will take action to make the University Libraries a safe place for all. We will foster an inclusive environment that breaks down barriers to equality. We will listen. We will ask questions. We are with you.

We invite you to hold us, and each other, accountable. We have compiled resources that may be helpful to us all. Please share additional resources with us.

Julie Garrison, Dean
University Libraries