Forums and workshops

Elevate Your Teaching: Navigate Copyright with Confidence

Posted by Angela Brcka for University Libraries

Effective teaching at the university level often requires incorporating copyrighted materials such as videos, images, journal articles, and book chapters into one’s instruction, including into Elearning. Join us to gain the knowledge and confidence to use a wide array of educational materials legally and effectively. Perfect for faculty and teaching assistants looking to innovate and excel in their instructional practices.

Learning outcomes

After attending this workshop, participants will be able to:

  • Explain the principles of Copyright, Fair use, and the TEACH Act, and how they affect the use of materials in educational situations.
  • Confidently incorporate materials licensed by WMU, Creative Commons-licensed content, Open Educational Materials, and public domain resources into their teaching and research.

Part of the Spring 2025 Scholarly Success Series.

Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
12 to 1 p.m.