Reflection from the Dean
Dean Julie Garrison reflects on the strategic planning process the University Libraries engaged in during 2023 and highlights our work to create connections, experiences and inviting environments.

Building community at the library
The University Libraries fully embraced our community’s enthusiasm to connect and engage on campus by offering more events, programs and activities in 2023—and students were here for it.

Uncovering untold stories, traditions through the East Campus Oral History Project
A new oral history project spearheaded by the Zhang Legacy Collections Center uncovers the untold stories of the people who lived, learned and worked on Western Michigan University's East Campus.
Usage statistics
library visits
questions answered
Library Search sessions
computer log ins
student printing pages
This data is from FY 2022-2023 and was compiled from a variety of sources1.

Evolving Waldo Library for students
From extensive expansions to more recent renovations, Waldo Library has continued to evolve to serve the needs of Western students, faculty and researchers since its original construction in 1958.
Collection statistics
books (print and electronic)
ILL and document delivery requests filled
loans to other libraries
ScholarWorks items added
ScholarWorks downloads
This data is from FY 2022-2023 and was compiled from a variety of source3.

Fresh approaches to instruction
To respond to increased online learning and grow the number of students receiving instruction, our librarians are taking new approaches to teaching research skills at WMU.
Program statistics
workshops and events
instruction sessions
research consultations
Tech Lab sessions
3D printing requests
This data is from FY 2022-2023 and was compiled from a variety of sources2.

Supporting libraries through collaboration
Our faculty and staff have been working on projects that propel state and national library initiatives forward.

WMU faculty secure grant to create curriculum on media, news literacy for state libraries
Amy Bocko and Sue Ellen Christian's project is one of 31 selected for funding through the Institute of Museums and Library Services' Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program.

Inspired to give: Kerry FitzGerald
Transformative experiences in and out of the classroom at Western Michigan University led Kerry FitzGerald to embark on a 30-year career in public libraries and inspired FitzGerald to support Western's University Libraries.