Check your access to the SRC

Access to the SRC is determined by enrollment fees that the University charges. If all of your classes are online or hybrid, the University may not have charged the enrollment fee this semester. 

You can check if you have paid the semester enrollment fee by visiting GoWMU.

Read the following instructions on how to view your semester bill.

1) From the GoWMU homepage, click the Student Home button in the upper left corner.

2) Open the My Self Service tab. 

3) Click on the Payment and Account Information link which will take you to your student account page.

4) Select My Account in the upper left corner.

5) Select Account Activity

6) Select the current semester. Look for the enrollment fee. If there is no enrollment fee listed, you have not paid for access to the SRC. 


If you were not charged the enrollment fee, you have the option to activate your SRC membership for $90 for the semester.  As an enrolled student, you have the option to bill that fee directly to your student account. Anyone that is not enrolled in classes must pay by cash, check or credit card. That process can be completed by coming to our main office Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.  For questions, please call Cindy at (269) 387-3115.