Fitness Pass Purchase

Please complete all of the information below to purchase your fitness pass from University Recreation at Western Michigan University. After completing the form, you will be taken to a page with a link for online payment. Access to the SRC is not included in groupex or F45 pass purchases. You must still have SRC access in order to attend groupex or F45 classes. Semester/session/30 day passes are non-refundable.

Western Wellness faculty/staff Member? Click here

Passes currently available for purchase:
  • Spring (Jan. 6 - May 4)
WMU identification number

STOP! You indicated that you are a WMU employee that is part of the Western Wellness program. Please complete the Western Wellness fitness pass purchase form instead or select a different affiliation.

Which semester or session are you purchasing a pass for?
Pass type for both summer sessions
Please select which type of pass you would like to purchase. The summer groupex pass includes access to classes on the groupex schedule such as yoga, cyclefit, tighten & tone and Zumba for summer 1 and summer 2. The summer unlimited passes include access to the F45 Functional Training and groupex class schedule for summer 1 and summer 2.
Pass type for fall or spring
Please select which type of pass you would like to purchase. The semester group fitness pass includes access to classes on the group fitness schedule such as yoga, cyclefit, butts & guts and Zumba. F45 passes include access to only the F45 Functional Training class schedule. The unlimited semester pass includes access to all classes on the group fitness and F45 schedules.
Pass type for summer 1 or summer 2
Please select which type of pass you would like to purchase. The one summer session groupex pass includes access to classes on the groupex schedule such as yoga, cyclefit, tighten & tone and Zumba. One summer session unlimited passes include access to the F45 Functional Training and groupex class schedule.
Agree to waiver of liability? (required)
I know and understand that participating in a fitness program can be physically demanding and a potentially dangerous activity. I have voluntarily chosen to participate in a fitness program offered by University Recreation at Western Michigan University. I answered the medical questions above to the best of my ability. I affirm that my physical condition is good, and I have no conditions that prevent me from participating in a fitness program. I agree to abide by any decision of a fitness instructor regarding my ability to safely participate in a fitness program. I understand that University Recreation recommends improving physical fitness through an exercise plan typically consisting of a gradual warm-up, aerobic exercise, strength development, and a cool-down. I also realize that participation is at my own pace and that I am free to discontinue my participation at any time if it exceeds my personal limitations. I assume all risks associated with participation including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, and conditions of the activity, room(s), or equipment. I understand that by signing this agreement, in consideration of my participation in a fitness program, and to the fullest extent of any applicable law I, for myself, and anyone entitled to act on my behalf, indemnify, release, and hold harmless Western Michigan University, its President, Board of Trustees, agents, the Student Recreation Center, all fitness instructors, all University recreation employees, their representatives, and successors from all damages, claims, or liabilities of any kind arising out of my participation in these classes, including death, injury, loss, or an adverse health condition. I acknowledge that I am not required to participate in any physical activity or fitness program, but do so voluntarily. I grant permission to Western Michigan University and the Student Recreation Center to use any photograph of me that is taken during special event, or fitness program, or class for any legitimate purpose. I affirm that I have read and fully understand the above document and I wish to participate in fitness activities.