Admission Requirements for Specific Subject Areas
Below are the requirements for the following majors:
- Art education
- Business education
- Family consumer sciences teacher education
- Industrial technology education
- Music education
- Occupational education studies
- Physical and health education
All Western Michigan University undergraduate students who declare a preference for a curriculum leading to a teaching certificate will be assigned a pre-education designator at the time of admission. The primary purpose of this designation is to identify students who intend to enter the teaching profession. This permits the College of Education and Human Development's Office of Admissions and Advising to monitor each student's progress toward certification.
Students must meet the following minimum requirements at the time of application:
- Create your Teacher Candidate Tracking Account for the Michigan Department of Education (MDE)
- Completion of 35 credits
- Completion of an approved college-level writing course with a grade of "C" or better
- Completion of the following course, or an approved course, with the required grade based on catalog year:
- Art education major - ED 2500 or HSV 2250 with a grade of "C" or better
- Business education major catalog year 2021 and beyond – FCS 1030 or FCS 2150 with a grade of “C” or better
- Family and consumer sciences teacher education major catalog year 2017 and beyond - ED 2500 or FCS 2140 with a grade of "C" or better
- Industrial technology education major catalog year 2021 and beyond – FCS 1030 or FCS 2150 with a grade of “C” or better
- Music major catalog year of 2017 and beyond - ED 2500 or HSV 2250 with a grade of "CB" or better
- Occupational education studies - ED 2500 with a grade of "C" or better
- Physical and health education major catalog year 2021 and beyond - HPHE 2400 and HPHE 1500 with a grade of "C" or better and satisfactory completion of BIOS 1120
- Achievement of the required cumulative grade point average (GPA) based on catalog year:
- Art education major: 2.75 GPA or better
- Business education major with catalog year 2020 and beyond: 2.75 GPA or better
- Family and consumer sciences teacher education major with catalog year 2017 and beyond: 2.75 GPA or better
- Industrial technology education major with catalog year 2020 and beyond: 2.75 GPA or better
- Music major with catalog year 2017 and beyond: 3.0 GPA or better
- Occupational education studies: 2.75 GPA or better
- Physical and health education major with catalog year 2018 and beyond: 2.75 GPA or better
- Completion of background check through CastleBranch
- Submission of Judgment of Sentence, Register of Action, or Case History for any convictions, if necessary
Students will not be allowed to enroll for professional education courses at the 3000-level or above until they have been admitted to their professional program.