Position: Associate Director of Recruitment and Outreach
Cheyenne Marlin
First things first, what song should we listen to while we learn more about you?
This really stumped me. I tend to have on a heavy rotation of Broadway soundtracks, so I am thrilled to have Miller Auditorium here on campus!
What’s your journey been professionally so far and how did you end up landing at WMU?
I have worked in higher education for a little over 10 years now. When I decided to pursue my graduate degree, I focused my research Native American student recruitment and retention. I went on to work with Native American students in multiple different capacities at both tribal colleges and four-year institutions. In a desire to be closer to home, I eventually moved back to Michigan. I have spent the last four years working at the University of Michigan leading the U.P. Scholars Program, a four-year cohort-based scholarship program for students from the Upper Peninsula. Looking to be closer to Lake Michigan, I have now landed here at WMU, and I couldn’t be more thrilled!
So, you’ve been here for a month. What do you love about Western so far?
I love how welcoming everyone has been here at Western. I thought onboarding right before the holidays would be more challenging as everyone was leaving for break, but it was wonderful to jump into some of the larger gatherings and meet folks from across the university.
We’re not perfect! What do you think you can help us to improve on?
I’m excited to jump right into recruitment and be able to help with some of the strategic planning for CEHD. Student recruitment is at a very interesting place right now, and I’m excited to see how we can improve the process for prospective students and families.
Here in CEHD we have a diverse set of programs, ranging from literacy studies to nutrition and dietetics. Speaking of what’s your favorite book and food?
My favorite book as always been Pride and Prejudice. It’s just one of those books that made an early impact and still remains at the top of my list. Picking a favorite food is a little more challenging…I would say anything fresh from my garden (onions, potatoes, tomatoes, and squash).
Looking back to your educational experience, what drove you to go to college and choose higher education as your next step?
School was tough for me. I always struggled academically and really didn’t think college was going to be a good fit. I ultimately found Northern Michigan University and was admitted on their “right to try” program. After entering college, it all kind of fell into place. I loved having the opportunity to explore, learn, and challenge myself. I knew that I ultimately wanted to help others, especially other tribal members, pursue higher education.
What advice do you have for prospective students when selecting a university?
I always tell students to apply! Don’t self-select out of a college, or a program, or a scholarship because you don’t think you are good enough or don’t have the grades. Apply! Apply for all of the scholarships. Apply for your dream program. We have to be willing to put ourselves out there. Challenge ourselves. Reach for our goals. When you’re selecting a university, you want to be able to make the best decision possible with as much information as possible.
What passions do you have in terms of recruitment?
Marketing and recruitment in higher education has come so far over the years and it’s changing every day. My biggest passion is making students, especially prospective students, feel like they belong. I want to make sure the field is evolving with every new class of students and that we are doing what we can to help them reach their goals.