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Medieval Institute Publications has published these books:
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- Accessus ad auctores: Medieval Introductions to the Authors
- Aedificia Nova: Studies in Honor of Rosemary Cramp
- Ælfric of Eynsham: His Life, Times, and Writings
- Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, and Women in Tenth-Century England
- Amis and Amiloun, Robert of Cisyle, and Sir Amadace (Second Edition)
- Amoryus and Cleopes
- Ancrene Wisse
- Anglo-Danish Empire: A Companion to the Reign of King Cnut the Great
- Anglo-Saxon Books and Their Readers: Essays in Celebration of Helmut Gneuss's "Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts"
- Anglo-Saxon Textual Illustration: Photographs of Sixteen Manuscripts with Descriptions and Index
- Anonymous Interpolations in Ælfric's "Lives of Saints"
- Anthony Munday, The Honourable, Pleasant, and Rare Conceited Historie of Palmendos: A Critical Edition
- Archaeological Approaches to Medieval Europe
- Architectural Rhetoric in Shakespeare and Spenser
- Aribo, "De musica" and "Sententiae"
- Ars musice
- Art in Spain and Portugal from the Romans to the Early Middle Ages
- Authority of Images / Images of Authority
- The Assembly of Gods: Le Assemble de Dyeus, or Banquet of Gods and Goddesses, with the Discourse of Reason and Sensuality
- Ava's New Testament Narratives: "When the Old Law Passed Away"
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | PQ | R | S | T | U | V | WX | YZ
- Ballads of the North, Medieval to Modern: Essays Inspired by Larry Syndergaard
- "Beowulf" at Kalamazoo: Essays on Translation and Performance
- A Bibliographical Guide to the Study of the Troubadours and Old Occitan Literature
- Blandin de Cornoalha, A Comic Occitan Romance: A New Critical Edition and Translation
- Blind Spots of Knowledge in Shakespeare and His World: A Conversation
- The Bond of Empathy in Medieval and Early Modern Literature
- The Book of John Mandeville
- The Book of Margery Kempe
- "Books Most Needful to Know"
- Brunetto Latini, "La rhetorica"
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- Canon Fanfiction: Reading, Writing, and Teaching with Adaptations of Premodern and Early Modern Literature
- The Canterbury Tales: Fifteenth-Century Continuations and Additions
- Carolingian Commentaries on the Apocalypse by Theodulf and Smaragdus
- The Carolingian Sacramentaries of Saint-Amand: Art, Script, and Liturgical Creativity in an Early Medieval Monastery
- The Castle of Perseverance
- Catalogue of the Manuscripts in the Dom Edmond Obrecht Collection of Gethsemani Abbey
- The Centre and Its Compass: Studies in Medieval Literature in Honor of Professor John Leyerle
- Chaucer and the Poems of "Ch"
- The Chaucerian Apocrypha: A Selection
- Chaucerian Dream Visions and Complaints
- Chaucer's Polyphony: The Modern in Medieval Poetry
- Chester Art: A Subject List of Extant and Lost Art including Items Relevant to Early Drama
- Christine de Pizan’s Advice for Princes in Middle English Translation: Stephen Scrope’s The Epistle of Othea and the Anonymous Lytle Bibell of Knyghthod
- Church and Society in Late Byzantium
- The Cistercian Monastery of Zaraka, Greece
- Classical Rhetoric and Medieval Historiography
- Closure in "The Canterbury Tales": The Role of The Parson's Tale
- The Cloud of Unknowing
- Codex Ashmole 61: A Compilation of Popular Middle English Verse
- Collectors, Commissioners, Curators: Studies in Medieval Art for Stephen Fliegel
- Comparative Perspectives on History and Historians: Essays in Memory of Bryce Lyon (1920-2007)
- The Complete Harley 2253 Manuscript: Volumes 1–3
- Complete Poetry and Music of Guillaume de Machaut, Volume 1: The Debate Poems
- Complete Poetry and Music of Guillaume de Machaut, Volume 2: The Boethian Poems Le Remede de Fortune and Le Confort d'Ami
- Complete Poetry and Music of Guillaume de Machaut, Volume 9: The Motets
- The Complete Works (Robert Henryson)
- The Complete Works (William Dunbar)
- Concordia (The Reconciliation of Richard II with London)
- Confessio Amantis
- Convents and Novices in Early Modern English Dramatic Works
- The Corporeality of Clothing in Medieval Literature: Cognition, Kinesis, and the Sacred
- The Coventry Corpus Christi Plays
- Crossing the Boundaries: Christian Piety and the Arts in Italian Medieval and Renaissance Confraternities
- Croxton Play of the Sacrament
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- Dante, Eschatology, and the Christian Tradition: Essays in Honor of Ronald B. Herzman
- Dante's Dream: A Jungian Psychoanalytical Approach
- Darkness, Depression, and Descent in Anglo-Saxon England
- Demon Possession in Anglo-Saxon England
- De Ore Domini: Preacher and Word in the Middle Ages
- The Destruction of Jerusalem, or Titus and Vespasian
- The Development of Education in Medieval Iceland
- The Dialogue of Solomon and Marcolf: A Dual-Language Edition from Latin and Middle English Printed Editions
- The Dicts and Sayings of the Philosophers
- The Digby Mary Magdalene Play
- Discovery and Distinction in the Early Middle Ages: Studies in Honor of John J. Contreni
- Dismemberment in the Medieval and Early Modern English Imaginary: The Performance of Difference
- The Disperata, from Medieval Italy to Renaissance France
- Drama and Sermon in Late Medieval England: Performance, Authority, Devotion
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- The Early Art of Coventry, Stratford-upon-Avon, Warwick, and Lesser Sites in Warwickshire: A Subject List of Extant and Lost Art including Items Relevant to Early Drama
- The Early Art of Norfolk: A Subject List of Extant and Lost Art including Items Relevant to Early Drama
- The Early Art of the West Riding of Yorkshire: A Subject List of Extant and Lost Art including Items Relevant to Early Drama
- Early Drama, Art, and Music Documents: A Paleography Handbook
- Early English Poetic Culture and Meter
- Early Latin Commentaries on the Apocalypse
- Early Modern Britain's Relationship to Its Past: The Historiographical Fortunes of the Legends of Brute, Albina, and Scota
- Early Prose in France: Contexts of Bilingualism and Authority
- The Easter Sepulchre in England
- The Edge of Christendom on the Early Modern English Stage
- The Eleventh and Twelfth Books of Giovanni Villani's New Chronicle
- Elizabeth I, the Subversion of Flattery, and John Lyly's Court Plays and Entertainments
- Emblem, Iconography, and Drama
- Emotion and the Seduction of the Senses, Baroque to Neo-Baroque
- English Birth Girdles: Devotions for Women in "Travell of Childe"
- The English "Loathly Lady" Tales: Boundaries, Traditions, Motifs
- English Translations of the Scandinavian Medieval Ballads: An Analytical Guide and Bibliography
- Everyman and Its Dutch Original, Eickerljc
- Eye and Mind: Collected Essays in Anglo-Saxon and Early Medieval Art by Robert Deshman
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- The Feeling Heart in Medieval and Early Modern Europe: Meaning, Embodiment, and Making
- The Final Book of Giovanni Villani's New Chronicle
- The Fleury Playbook: Essays and Studies
- The Floure and the Leafe, The Assembly of Ladies, The Isle of Ladies
- Fools and Folly
- Four Middle English Romances: Sir Isumbras, Octavian, Sir Eglamour of Artois, Sir Tryamour (Second Edition)
- Four Romances of England: King Horn, Havelok the Dane, Bevis of Hampton, Athelston
- The French Balades (John Gower)
- From the Romans to the Normans on the English Renaissance Stage
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- The Gaelic Background of Old English Poetry Before Bede
- The Game and Playe of the Chesse
- Gavin Douglas, The Palyce of Honour
- The Gawain-Poet and the Fourteenth-Century English Anticlerical Tradition
- Gesture in Medieval Drama and Art
- Global Perspectives on Medieval English Literature, Language, and Culture
- The Glossa Ordinaria on Romans
- The Glossa Ordinaria on the Song of Songs
- Greeks and Trojans on the Early Modern English Stage
- Guy of Saint-Denis, Tractatus de tonis
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- Haimo of Auxerre, Commentary on the Book of Jonah
- The Hands of the Tongue: Essays on Deviant Speech
- Henry VII's London in the Great Chronicle
- The Hero Recovered
- Heroic Poetry in the Anglo-Saxon Period: Studies in Honor of Jess B. Bessinger, Jr.
- Heroic Women from the Old Testament in Middle English Verse
- Hiberno-Latin Saints’ ‘Lives’ in the Seventh Century: Writing Early Ireland
- History as Literature: German World Chronicles of the Thirteenth Century in Verse
- Holy Week and Easter Ceremonies and Dramas from Medieval Sweden
- Homo, Memento Finis: The Iconography of Just Judgment in Medieval Art and Drama
- Honorius Augustodunensis, Exposition of Selected Psalms
- The Horse in Premodern European Culture
- Humanism, Capitalism, and Rhetoric in Early Modern England: The Separation of the Citizen from the Self
- Hysteria, Perversion, and Paranoia in The Canterbury Tales: "Wild" Analysis and the Symptomatic Storyteller
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- Iconoclasm vs. Art and Drama
- Iconographic and Comparative Studies in Medieval Drama
- The Idea of Music: An Introduction to Musical Aesthetics in Antiquity and the Middle Ages
- Illustrations of the Stage and Acting in England to 1580
- The Impact of Latin Culture on Medieval and Early Modern Scottish Writing
- Improvisation in the Arts of the Middle Ages and Renaissance
- Influences of Pre-Christian Mythology and Christianity on Old Norse Poetry: A Narrative Study of Vafþrúðnismál
- Inscribing Knowledge in the Medieval Book: Power and the Paratext
- The Intellectual Climate of the Early University: Essays in Honor of Otto Gründler
- Inventing Latin Heretics: Byzantines and the Filioque in the Ninth Century
- Inventing Modernity in Medieval European Thought, ca. 1100–ca. 1550
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- The Jeu d'Adam: MS Tours 927 and the Provenance of the Play
- Jewish Daily Life in Medieval Northern Europe, 1080-1350
- Jewish Suffering: The Interplay of Medieval Christian and Jewish Perspectives
- John Gower: Recent Readings
- John Hardyng, "Chronicle," Vol. 1
- John Lydgate's Dance of Death and Related Works
- John of Garland, Integumenta Ovidii: Text, Translation, and Commentary
- John Stone's Chronicle: Christ Church Priory, Canterbury, 1417–1472
- John Wyclif, On the Truth of Holy Scripture
- Journeys toward God: Pilgrimage and Crusade
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- Ladies, Whores, and Holy Women: A Sourcebook in Courtly, Religious, and Urban Cultures of Lake Medieval Germany
- Lancelot of the Laik and Sir Tristrem
- The Language of Heresy in Late Medieval English Literature
- Late Anglo-Saxon Prayer in Practice: Before the Books of Hours
- Late Medieval England (1377–1485): A Bibliography of Historical Scholarship, 1975–1989
- Late Medieval England (1377–1485): A Bibliography of Historical Scholarship, 1990–1999
- Law, Custom, and the Social Fabric in Medieval Europe: Essays in Honor of Bryce Lyon
- The Life of Saint Katherine
- Liturgical Drama and the Reimagining of Medieval Theater
- The Liturgy of the Medieval Church
- Living on the Edge: Transgression, Exclusion, and Persecution in the Middle Ages
- The Locus of Meaning in Medieval Art: Iconography, Iconology, and Interpreting the Visual Imagery of the Middle Ages
- Love and Marriage in Late Medieval London
- The Lover's Confession: A Translation of John Gower's Confessio Amantis
- Lybeaus Desconus
- Lydgate’s Fabula duorum mercatorum and Guy of Warwyk
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- Magister Paulus Niavis: Epistole breues, Epistole mediocres, Epistole longiores
- Magistra Doctissima: Essays in Honor of Bonnie Wheeler
- Malory and Christianity: Essays on Sir Thomas Malory's "Morte Darthur"
- Mankind
- Mapping Narrations, Narrating Maps: Concepts of the World in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period
- Marvels, Monsters, and Miracles: Studies in the Medieval and Early Modern Imaginations
- Mary of Nemmegen
- Material Culture and Medieval Drama
- Matthew Parker and His Books: Sandars Lectures in Bibliography
- Medieval English Political Writings
- Medieval Exegesis in Translation: Commentaries on the Book of Ruth
- Medieval Futurity: Essays for the Future of a Queer Medieval Studies
- Medieval Latin Liturgy in English Translation
- Medieval Lives and the Historian: Studies in Medieval Prosopography
- Medieval London: Collected Papers of Caroline M. Barron
- The Medieval North and Its Afterlife: Essays in Honor of Heather O’Donoghue
- Medieval Notaries and Their Acts: The 1327–1328 Register of Jean Holanie
- The Medieval Tradition of Natural Law
- Medieval Translators and Their Craft
- Memorializing the Middle Classes in Medieval and Renaissance Europe
- The Middle English Breton Lays
- Middle English Legends of Women Saints
- Middle English Marian Lyrics
- The Middle English Metrical Paraphrase of the Old Testament
- The Minor Latin Works; with In Praise of Peace
- The Miracle of Theophilus by Gautier de Coinci
- Monastic Preaching in the Age of Chaucer
- The Monophonic Lauda and the Lay Religious Confraternities of Tuscany and Umbria in the Late Middle Ages
- Monsters in Society: Alterity, Transgression, and the Use of the Past in Medieval Iceland
- Moral Love Songs and Laments
- The Morton W. Bloomfield Lectures, 1989–2005
- Mummings and Entertainments
- Music, Dance, and Society: Medieval and Renaissance Studies in Memory of Ingrid G. Brainard
- My Wyl and My Wrytyng: Essays on John the Blind Audelay
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- Negotiating Boundaries in Medieval Literature and Culture: Essays on Marginality, Difference, and Reading Practices in Honor of Thomas Hahn
- Neidhart: Selected Songs from the Riedegg Manuscript
- New Directions in Boethian Studies
- New Directions in Early Modern English Drama: Edges, Spaces, Intersections
- New Perspectives on the Man of Sorrows
- New Studies in the Manuscript Tradition of Njáls saga: The historia mutila of Njála
- Nicholas of Lyra's Apocalypse Commentary
- Nicholas of Lyra, Literal Commentary on Galatians
- Nineteenth and Twentieth-Century Readings of the Medieval Orient: Other Encounters
- The Northern Homily Cycle
- The N-Town Plays
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- Of Knyghthode and Bataile
- The Old English Hexateuch: Aspects and Approaches
- On John Gower: Essays at the Millennium
- The "Ordo Virtutum" of Hildegard of Bingen: Critical Studies
- The "Other Tuscany": Essays in the History of Lucca, Pisa, and Siena during the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Centuries
- "The Owl and the Nightingale" and the English Poems of Jesus College MS 29 (II)
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- The Palis of Honoure
- Paranormal Encounters in Iceland 1150-1400
- Paying the Piper: Music in Pre-1642 Cheshire
- Pearl
- Pedro Calderón de la Barca and the World Theatre in Early Modern Europe
- The Performance Tradition of the Medieval English University: The Works of Thomas Chaundler
- Performing Widowhood on the Early Modern English Stage
- Personal Names Studies of Medieval Europe: Social Identity and Familial Structures
- Piers Plowman: A Parallel-Text Edition of the A, B, C and Z Versions
- Piers Plowman: A Parallel-Text Edition of the A, B, C and Z Versions, Volume II: Introduction, Textual Notes, Commentary, Bibliography and Indexical Glossary
- The Play about the Antichrist (Ludus de Antichristo): A Dramaturgical Analysis, Historical Commentary, and Latin Edition with a New English Verse Translation
- The Play of Daniel: Critical Essays
- Playthings in Early Modernity: Party Games, Word Games, Mind Games
- Poems (Oton de Granson)
- Poems and Carols (Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Douce 302)
- The Poems of Laurence Minot, 1333–1352
- Poetic Style and Innovation in Old English, Old Norse, and Old Saxon
- Poetry, Place, and Gender: Studies on Medieval Culture in Honor of Helen Damico
- Poets and Scribes in Late Medieval England: Essays on Manuscripts and Meaning in Honor of Susanna Fein
- Polemic and Literature Surrounding French Wars of Religion
- Portraits of Human Monsters in the Renaissance: Dwarves, Hirsutes, and Castrati as Idealized Anatomical Anomalies
- Postmodern Poetry and Queer Medievalisms: Time Mechanics
- The Preservation and Transmission of Anglo-Saxon Culture: Selected Papers from the 1991 Meeting of the International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
- Prik of Conscience
- Proceedings of the Pseudo Society: First Series, 1986–93
- Prose Merlin
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- Rabbi Eliezer of Beaugency, Commentaries on Amos and Jonah (With Selections from Isaiah and Ezekiel)
- Rabbi Ezra ben Solomon of Gerona, Commentary on the Song of Songs and Other Kabbalistic Commentaries
- Reading the Old Norse-Icelandic Maríu saga in Its Manuscript Contexts
- Reassessing Alabaster Sculpture in Medieval England
- Rebels and Rivals: The Contestive Spirit in "The Canterbury Tales"
- The Recovery of Old English: Anglo-Saxon Studies in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
- The Regiment of Princes
- Regular Life: Monastic, Canonical, and Mendicant Rules (Second Edition)
- Regular Life: Monastic, Canonical, and Mendicant Rules
- Religion, Culture, and Society in the Early Middle Ages: Studies in Honor of Richard E. Sullivan
- Renaissance Retrospections: Tudor Views of the Middle Ages
- Richard Coer de Lyon
- Richard the Redeless and Mum and the Sothsegger
- Robin Hood and Other Outlaw Tales
- The Roland and Otuel Romances and the Anglo-French Otinel
- Roman Women in Shakespeare and His Contemporaries
- Romance Epic: Essays on a Medieval Literary Genre
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- Sacred Journeys in the Counter-Reformation: Long-Distance Pilgrimage in Northwest Europe
- The Saga of the Jómsvikings: A Translation for Students
- The Saga of the Jómsvikings: A Translation with Full Introduction
- The Saint Play in Medieval Europe
- Saints and Sainthood around the Baltic Sea: Identity, Literacy, and Communication in the Middle Ages
- Saints at Play: The Performance Features of French Hagiographic Mystery Plays
- Saints' Lives in Middle English Collections
- The Salt of Common Life: Individuality and Choice in the Medieval Town, Countryside, and Church: Essays Presented to J. Ambrose Raftis
- The Scale of Perfection
- Second Thessalonians: Two Early Medieval Apocalyptic Commentaries
- A Selection of Early Music from the Repertoire of the Society for Old Music
- Sentimental and Humorous Romances
- The Seven Seals of the Apocalypse: Medieval Texts in Translation
- The Shadow of Dante in French Renaissance Lyric: Scève's Délie
- Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra, and the Nature of Fame
- Shakespeare's Play within Play: Medieval Imagery and Scenic Form in "Hamlet," "Othello," and "King Lear"
- The Shapes of Early English Poetry: Style, Form, History
- The Shewings of Julian of Norwich
- Siege of Jerusalem
- The Siege of Thebes
- Sir Gawain: Eleven Romances and Tales
- Sir Perceval of Galles and Ywain and Gawain
- Sir Torrent of Portingale
- Six Ecclesiastical Satires
- Six Scottish Courtly and Chivalric Poems, Including Lyndsay's Squyer Meldrum
- A Slice of Life: Selected Documents of Medieval English Peasant Experience
- Sources for the History of Medicine in Late Medieval England
- Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture: The Apocrypha
- Sources of Anglo-Saxon Literary Culture, Volume 1: Abbo of Fleury, Abbo of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, and Acta Sanctorum
- Sovereignty and Salvation in the Vernacular, 1050–1150
- Space, Image, and Reform in Early Modern Art: The Influence of Marcia Hall
- Spenser's Narrative Figuration of Women in "The Faerie Queene"
- Spiritual and Material Boundaries in Old French Verse: Contemplating the Walls of the Earthly Paradise
- St. Albans and the Markyate Psalter
- Stanzaic Guy of Warwick
- Studia Occitanica in Memoriam Paul Remy
- Studies in Fifteenth-Century Stagecraft
- Studies in Honor of Hans-Erich Keller: Medieval French and Occitan Literature and Romance Linguistics
- Studies in Malory
- Studies in the Harley Manuscript: The Scribes, Contents, and Social Contexts of British Library MS Harley 2253
- Studies on the Personal Name in Later Medieval England and Wales
- The Study of Chivalry: Resources and Approaches
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- Technology, Guilds, and Early English Drama
- Telling Tales and Crafting Books: Essays in Honor of Thomas H. Ohlgren
- The Temple of Glas
- Ten Bourdes
- The Testament of Love
- Thomas Middleton and the Plural Politics of Jacobean Drama
- The Third Gender and Ælfric's Lives of Saints
- Three Middle English Charlemagne Romances
- Three Purgatory Poems: The Gast of Gy, Sir Owain, The Vision of Tundale
- The Towneley Plays
- Thinking Queerly: Medievalism, Wizardry, and Neurodiversity in Young Adult Texts
- Thought and Action in Old English Poetry and Prose
- Translation and the Transmission of Culture between 1300 and 1600
- Translation Theory and Practice in the Middle Ages
- Trauma and Recovery in Early North African Christianity
- A Tretise of Miraclis Pleyinge
- Trial by Fire: Burning Jewish Books
- The Trials and Joys of Marriage
- Troy Book: Selections
- Two Middle English Prayer Cycles: Holkham Prayers and Meditations and Simon Appulby, The Fruyte of Redempcyon
- Two Moral Interludes: "The Pride of Life" and "Wisdom"
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- The Valiant Welshman, the Scottish James, and the Formation of Great Britain
- Vernacular Poetics in the Middle Ages
- Vernacular Traditions of Boethius's "De consolatione philosophiae"
- The Vikings Reimagined: Reception, Recovery, Engagement
- Vox Feminae: Studies in Medieval Woman's Songs
- The Vulgate Commentary on Ovid's "Metamorphoses," Book 1
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- The Wallace: Selections
- Der Welsche Gast (The Italian Guest)
- William Caxton's "Paris and Vienne" and "Blanchardyn and Eglantine"
- Wills and Testaments in Medieval England from the Thirteenth to the Sixteenth Century
- The Wisdom of Exeter: Anglo-Saxon Studies in Honor of Patrick W. Conner
- The Wisdom of Poetry: Essays in Early English Literature in Honor of Morton W. Bloomfield
- Women and Monasticism in Medieval Europe: Sisters and Patrons of the Cistercian Reform
- Women, Marriage, and Family in Medieval Christendom: Essays in Memory of Michael M. Sheehan, C.S.B.
- Word, Picture, and Spectacle
- The World Chronicle of Guillaume de Nangis: A Manuscript's Journey from Saint-Denis to St. Pancras
- The Worlde and the Chylde
- Wynnere and Wastoure and The Parlement of the Thre Ages