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New Queer Medievalisms

New Queer Medievalisms explores new directions in the study of queer, gay, lesbian, transgender, intersex and asexual medieval identities and simultaneously expands the work of the queer Middle Ages beyond early English and continental studies. This series extends the important work of investigating the intersection of queer theory with the study of the Middle Ages by expanding the conception of queerness and queer identity.
Keywords: queer, gender, medieval, medievalism, transgender, sexuality, religion, history
Geographical scope: Global
Chronological scope: ca. 400-1500 CE
- Will Rogers, University of Louisiana at Monroe, Series Editor
- Michelle M. Sauer, University of North Dakota, Series Editor
- Christopher Roman, Kent State University
- Anna Klosowska, Miami University
- Gabrielle Bychowski, Case Western Reserve University
- Bill Burgwinkle, King's College, Cambridge
- Natalie Grinnell, Wofford College
To submit a proposal or completed manuscript to be considered for publication by Medieval Institute Publications or to learn more about New Queer Medievalisms, please contact Tyler Cloherty, the acquisitions editor for the series.
All Books in this Series

Postmodern Poetry and Queer Medievalisms: Time Mechanics
Edited by David Hadbawnik
The poets under consideration in this volume demand that readers grapple with the ways in which we are still “medieval” – in other words, the ways in which the questions posed by their medieval source material still reverberate and hold relevance for today’s world. They do so by challenging the primacy of present over past, toppling the categories of old and new, and suggesting new interpretive frameworks for contemporary and medieval poetry alike -- in short, by “queering” our poetic past.
ISBN: 978-1-50151-882-9 (clothbound), 978-1-50151-118-9 (PDF), 978-1-50151-123-3 (EPUB) © 2022

Medieval Futurity: Essays for the Future of a Queer Medieval Studies
Edited by Will Rogers and Christopher Michael Roman
This collection of essays asks contributors to take the capaciousness of the word "queer" to heart in order to think about what medieval queers would have looked like and how they may have existed on the margins and borders of dominant, normative sexuality and desire. The contributors work with recent trends in queer medieval studies, moving away from imposing modern concepts of sexuality and desire onto the Middle Ages, and instead mapping the queer configurations of eroticism, desire, and materiality as they might have existed for medieval audiences.
ISBN: 978-1-58044-327-2 (clothbound), 978-1-50151-370-1 (PDF), 978-1-50151-397-8 (EPUB) © 2020