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Publications of the Richard Rawlinson Center

Publications of the Richard Rawlinson Center is a scholarly series of monographs and essay collections that present research on the history, literature, and material culture of early medieval England in its wider chronological and geographical context, including its links with the European continent and the Celtic world. The series places particular emphasis on the study of manuscripts.
Keywords: early medieval England, manuscript studies, Germanic philology, material culture
Geographical scope: England and its wider geographical context
Chronological scope: Early medieval
- Lindy Brady, Edge Hill University, UK, Series Editor
- Thomas A. Bredehoft, Chancery Hill Books and Antiques, USA
- Kees Dekker, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, the Netherlands
- Nicole Guenther Discenza, University of South Florida, USA
- Helen Foxhall Forbes, Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice, Italy
- Susan Kim, Illinois State University, USA
- Rosalind Love, Robinson College, Cambridge University, England
Proposals or completed manuscripts to be considered for publication by Medieval Institute Publications should be sent to Erin Sweany (for literary studies) or Emily Winkler (for historical studies), acquisitions editors for the series, or the series editor, Lindy Brady, Edge Hill University. All proposals and submissions are evaluated by members of the International Advisory Board of the Center and undergo independent peer review.
All Books in This Series

Thought and Action in Old English Poetry and Prose
By Eleni Ponirakis
Cognitive approaches to early medieval texts have tended to focus on the mind in isolation. By examining the interplay between mental and physical acts deployed in Old English poetry and prose, this study identifies new patterns and offers new perspectives. In these texts, the performance of right or wrong action is not linked to natural inclination dictated by birth; it is the fruit of right or wrong thinking. The mind consciously directed and controlled is open to external influences, both human and diabolical. This struggle to produce right thought and action reflects an emerging democratization of heroism that crosses societal and gender boundaries, becoming intertwined with socio-political, soteriological, and cultural meaning. In a study of influential prose texts, including the Alfredian translations and the sermons of Ælfric, alongside close readings of three poems from different genres –'The Seafarer,' 'The Battle of Maldon,' and 'Juliana'–, Ponirakis demonstrates how early medieval authors create patterns of interaction between the mental and the physical. These provide hidden keys to meaning which, once found, unlock new readings of much studied texts. In addition, these patterns of balance, distribution, and opposition, reveal a startling similarity of approach across genre and form, taking the discussion of the early medieval conception of the mind, soul, and emotion, not to mention conventional generic divisions, onto new ground.
ISBN: 978-1-50151-852-2 (clothbound), 978-1-50151-441-8 (PDF), 978-1-50151-445-6 (EPUB), © 2023

Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, and Women in Tenth-Century England
Edited by Rebecca Hardie
Æthelflæd (ca. 870–918), political leader, military strategist and administrator of law, is one of the most important ruling women in English history. Despite her multifaceted roles and family legacy, however, her reign and relationship with other women in tenth-century England have never been the subject of a book-length study. This interdisciplinary collection of essays redresses a notable hiatus in scholarship of early medieval England. Æthelflæd, Lady of the Mercians, and Women in Tenth-Century England argues for a reassessment of women’s political, military, literary and domestic agency. It invites deeper reflection on the female kinships, networks and communities that give meaning to Æthelflæd’s life, and through this shows how medieval history can invite new engagements with the past.
ISBN: 978-1-50151-761-7 (clothbound), 978-1-50151-242-1 (PDF), 978-1-50151-225-4 (EPUB), © 2023

The Gaelic Background of Old English Poetry Before Bede
By Colin A. Ireland
This ground-breaking study displays the transformations created by the growth of vernacular literatures and bilingual intellectual cultures. Gaelic missionaries and educational opportunities helped shape the Northumbrian “Golden Age,” its manuscripts, and hagiography and the writings of Aldhelm and Bede.
ISBN: 978-1-50152-028-0 (clothbound), 978-1-50151-387-9 (PDF), 978-1-50151-393-0 (EPUB), © 2022

Poetic Style and Innovation in Old English, Old Norse, and Old Saxon
By Megan Elizabeth Hartman
This book traces the development of hypermetric verse in Old English and compares it to the cognate traditions of Old Norse and Old Saxon. The study illustrates the inherent flexibility of the hypermetric line and shows how poets were able to manipulate this flexibility in different contexts for different practical and rhetorical purposes. This analysis shows what degree of control the poets had over the traditional alliterative line, what effects they were able to produce with various stylistic choices, and how attention to poetic style aids literary analysis.
ISBN: 978-1-50151-832-4 (clothbound), 978-1-50151-368-8 (PDF), 978-1-50151-355-8 (EPUB) © 2020

The Wisdom of Exeter: Anglo-Saxon Studies in Honor of Patrick W. Conner
Edited E. J. Christie
This interdisciplinary volume collects original essays in literary criticism and literary theory, philology, codicology, metrics, and art history. Composed by prominent scholars in Anglo-Saxon studies, these essays honor the depth and breadth of Patrick W. Conner’s influence in our discipline. As a scholar, teacher, editor, administrator and innovator, Pat has contributed to Anglo-Saxon studies for four decades. It is hard to say which of his legacies is most profound.
ISBN: 978-1-58044-782-2 (clothbound), 978-3-11066-306-0 (PDF), 978-3-11066-290-2 (EPUB) © 2020

Late Anglo-Saxon Prayer in Practice: Before the Books of Hours
By Kate Thomas
An examination of the creation of complex devotional programs in late Anglo-Saxon manuscripts, which were the forerunners of the Special Offices. This is demonstrated through close readings of prayer collections for liturgical feasts, the canonical Hours, prayer before the Cross, private confession, and prayers for protection and healing.
ISBN: 978-1-58044-361-6 (clothbound), 978-3-11066-195-8 (PDF), 978-3-11066-049-4 (EPUB) © 2020

Darkness, Depression, and Descent in Anglo-Saxon England
By Ruth Wehlau
This collection of essays examines the motifs of darkness, depression, and descent in both literal and figurative manifestations within a variety of Anglo-Saxon texts, including the Old English Consolation of Philosophy, Beowulf, Guthlac, The Junius Manuscript, The Wonders of the East, and The Battle of Maldon. It investigates the connection between the burgeoning interest in trauma studies and darkness and the representation of the mind or of emotional experience in Anglo-Saxon literature.
ISBN 978-1-58044-367-8 (clothbound), 978-3-11-066197-2 (PDF) © 2019

The Third Gender and Ælfric's Lives of Saints
By Rhonda L. McDaniel
In The Third Gender, McDaniel addresses the idea of the "third gender" in early hagiography and Latin treatises on virginity and then examines Ælfric's treatment of gender in his translations of Latin monastic Lives for his non-monastic audiences. She first investigates patristic ideas about a "third gender" by describing this concept within the theoretical frameworks of monasticism and then turns to creating a historical and theological cultural context within which to locate an interpretation of Ælfric's portrayals of male and female saints.
ISBN 978-1-58044-309-8 (clothbound), 978-1-58044-310-4 (PDF) © 2018

Eye and Mind: Collected Essays in Anglo-Saxon and Early Medieval Art by Robert Deshman
Edited by Adam Cohen
Deshman wove together a dense and tightly structured nexus of Early Christian, Carolingian, Anglo-Saxon and Ottonian manuscript illuminations, ivories, textiles, mosaics and wall paintings on the one hand, and contemporary exegetical, liturgical and political writings on the other.
ISBN 978-1-58044-121-6 (clothbound), 978-1-58044-122-3 (paperback) © 2010

Anglo-Saxon Books and Their Readers: Essays in Celebration of Helmut Gneuss's "Handlist of Anglo-Saxon Manuscripts"
Edited by Thomas N. Hall and Donald Scragg
The collection opens with Gneuss's Rawlinson Center lecture, delivered just a few months prior to the publication of the "Handlist." The lecture is followed by six essays that examine the scribes, contents, circumstances of production and intended uses of selected manuscripts from the late Anglo-Saxon period and investigate the fates of Anglo-Saxon manuscripts at the hands of sixteenth- and seventeenth-century antiquaries.
ISBN 978-1-58044-137-7 (clothbound), 978-1-58044-138-4 (paperback–out of print) © 2008

Aedificia Nova: Studies in Honor of Rosemary Cramp
Edited by Catherine E. Karkov and Helen Damico
The essays offered to Professor Cramp in this volume, while varied in subject, discipline and methodological approach, center on interpretations of the material world, whether that materiality appears in literature, in stone or in the artifacts removed from an archaeological dig.
ISBN 978-1-58044-110-0 (clothbound) © 2008

The Old English Hexateuch: Aspects and Approaches
Edited by Rebecca Barnhouse and Benjamin C. Withers
Its over four hundred images make this manuscript (Cotton Claudius B. iv) one of the most extensively illustrated books to survive from the early Middle Ages and preserve evidence of the creativity of the Anglo-Saxon artist and his knowledge of other important early medieval picture cycles.
ISBN 1-58044-024-X (clothbound), 1-58044-050-9 (paperback) © 2000

The Recovery of Old English: Anglo-Saxon Studies in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
Edited by Timothy Graham
The eight essays in this collection consider major aspects of the progress of Anglo-Saxon studies from their Tudor beginnings until their coming of age in the second half of the seventeenth century.
ISBN 1-58044-013-4 (clothbound) © 2000, 1-58044-014-2 (paperback)© 2000