NGPA Spotlight

Posted by Matthew Bila on

Published by Eric Epplett on Thu, Feb 16, 2017

Reina Cooke
Aviation Management and Operations

This fall, Western Michigan University established a collegiate chapter of the National Gay Pilots Association, becoming only the second chapter on a college campus. Now serving as Vice President, I work to enforce our mission of providing support, mentorship, and networking opportunities for LGBT students in aviation and raising awareness of the NGPA and LGBT issues at flight schools in the United States. These chapters also provide students with leadership and scholarship opportunities, and engagement with the larger network of aviation professionals in NGPA.

Do I identify as a member of the LGBTQ+ community? No. Am I a member of NGPA? Proudly. I chose to join thisorganization as an ally. Even before (I thought) I knew anyone who was gay or transgender, equality for their community was important to me. I view wavering apathy as an endorsement of the second-class treatment of the LGBT community, so I decided to get involved. I want to change the stigma from it being a “gay issue” to a “human rights issue”. A large aspect of being an ally is establishing ourselves within our social and professional communities as someone who will not tolerate homophobia or transphobia. It creates the difference between “there’s no one gay here, so I can say this” and “gay people exist, so I should never say this”. Furthermore, we are given the privilege of educating others who may not be as open-minded. We can hold conversations that others cannot. By joining WMU’s chapter of NGPA, I’m given a channel to make a difference.

While working to promote equality, I’m also given unique, exciting, and humbling opportunities. This January, our chapter traveled to Palm Springs, California to participate in NGPA’s Winter Warm Up. Here, thanks to the NGPA Industry Expo, we were able to network with every major airline. Representatives from multiple aviation companies were present and speaking about internships, scholarships, and job opportunities. Furthermore, guest speakers, such as AOPA’s president, Mark Baker, gave multiple presentations about current topics in aviation. Lastly, fun events brought the whole experience together; Queen of the Fleet showcases members’ general aviation aircraft and gives attendees the chance to explore these beautiful aircraft. Nightly dinners continue to encourage socialization and further the relationship between the industry members and attendees. And the event being held in California??? Palm trees, mountains, and hot tubs in January…. I’m there. As an aspiring aviation professional, the connections I made with these and many more members of the professional aviation community are invaluable and have already been utilized. Our chapter was able to host Flight Deck Pride: Flying through Barriers for Equality. Representatives from United Airlines were present to speak about their plan of aviation for diversity, in addition to their relationship with NGPA. Also, airline pilots that we met at Palm Springs joined to speak about their experiences as an LGBT pilot.

If you’re a current WMU student interested in joining our organization, please contact or or check out and Like our Facebook page! Our next meeting is Tuesday, February 21st in the Bernhard Center. Again, we’re more than gay pilots and we would love to have you!