Professional Preparation

Posted by Matthew Bila on

Published by Eric Epplett on Thu, Apr 27, 2017

They say, “its not what you know, but who you know.” Many people now a days, are attending college solely due to the fact that it is a requirement for the job they are seeking. However, university studies are much more than that, whether joining Greek life, student based organizations, or just focusing on the here and now, there are many opportunities that are provided to us as students that go unnoticed. These organizations have the possibility to introduce us to a whole new group of people and fulfill the “who you know” stated in the first sentence, whereas the classes fill up the “what you know.”

There’s no doubt that aviation is a tight-knit community, more so than many young pilots realize. Actions do not go unheard or unseen, and coming from a reputable and highly respected University that works closely with aviation professionals across the country and world, gives Western Michigan students a huge leg up on our peers that have chosen a separate way into the industry. Connections make the world turn and networking makes sure that, you as a student and potential future employee, are turning with it.

My career path of choice differs from many at the College of Aviation. However, that is attributed to my upbringing in aviation. Being from Central Florida, I have attended the annual Sun ‘n Fun Fly-In and Expo for close to the last 14 years. In doing so I have been welcomed into a very tight nit, family like group of airshow performers, pilots and professionals. These pilots, like all of us, know that we have to inspire our next generation of pilots and keep the love of flight thriving; luckily, we are able to do so in a manor that we all love as well. Through the mentorship of some of the airshow greats, I have my eyes set on becoming one of the best airshow performers and following in the footsteps of those like Rob Holland; who told me “Have a Plan A, no Plan B, and never look back.”

The College of Aviation at Western Michigan University has prepared me, and all of it’s students for the “real world” once we graduate. As a flight science student, we still take many business classes with the opportunity to take more as electives. As a member of a start up company ran by 3 people under the age of 25, these business classes and experiences have proven to be invaluable, and will continue to prove so in my future. My dream as an airshow pilot is much more than just flying. It requires the management of a business, how to stay safe and put on a good show, how to inspire others, and how to introduce our next generation into the greatest career that we have all been blessed with. I look forward to these exciting times ahead, but know that my success can largely be attributed to my degree as a professional pilot, from Western Michigan University.