Initial Flight Training Application - Fall

This application is for new flight students only, if are already flying or have flown at WMU previously you must submit a Course Pathway online to continue flying for the Fall semester.


2024 Fall APPLICATION DEADLINE: July 1st, 2024

  Late applications will receive lower priority but can still be submitted for consideration


You will get a confirmation email if your application has been submitted correctly.


Page 1: Start (current) Page 2: Current Flight Student Page 3: Personal Info Page 4: FAA Medical Page 5: Citizenship Page 6: Flight Training Experience Page 7: Additional Information and Documents Page 8: Preview Page 9: Complete

Questions on applying for flight training at WMU, contact us at (269)964-9450 or

Technical issues with submitting your application, contact Ryan Seiler at (269)964-6652 or