Clare Bunton

  • Clare Bunton

    2021 Undergraduate Rising Star Award Recipient

    Clare Bunton is a fourth-year student studying Secondary Education, focusing on the content areas of Math and Physics. During her time at WMU, she has made an impact on countless people. Her campus involvement has been a keystone part of her achievements.

Clare has been a WMU Student Ambassador in the Office of Admissions for four years and has gained leadership positions because of her fantastic leadership skills. In addition to her job in Admissions, Clare has also worked on campus as a Learning Assistant for Student Success Services and a Fall Welcome Ambassador and First Year Experience Co-Facilitator in the WMU Office of Transitions. Through all of these positions, Clare has impacted students in a positive way.

Above all, Clare has been dedicated to becoming the best teacher possible. With her high GPA and close relationships with her professors, Clare has become a model student in her department. She has served as the Western Student Education Association President which partners with the Student Michigan Education Association. In Summer 2018, she also studied the field of education on a study abroad trip in Ireland.

This year, Clare was also recognized as the Presidential Scholar for the Department of Mathematics. Through all of her classes, relationships, and experiences, Clare is truly the rising star of CEHD students. Clare will be intern teaching on the east side of Michigan, completing her undergraduate degree in Fall 2021. Her outstanding leadership skills and endless passion for education are recognized by the College of Education & Human Development as she begins the next steps in her life.

Acceptance speech

"I am so entirely grateful to receive the 2021 Rising Star Undergraduate Award. Thank you to the College of Education and Human Development Awards Committee for this incredible honor. A very special thank you to my colleague and peer, Tucker Albertson, for nominating me for this award and for inspiring me every day to be the best person I can be. Thank you, Tucker, for your continual support and for always igniting my passion for education. Additionally, I would like to thank all of those who supported Tucker in this nomination, including TLES faculty, my mathematics and education professors, my fellow AEM union members, my former mentor teacher, and my CEHD colleagues/peers. All of you have made a significant impact in my life by challenging me to grow and develop as a student and person. You all have allowed me to gain the passion, skills, and knowledge to create an equitable classroom that will provide students with the opportunity to be critically engaged with the world around them.
Thank you for this immense honor"

- Clare Bunton


About the award

This award recognizes three College of Education and Human Development students (one each at the doctoral or specialist, master’s and undergraduate levels) who have demonstrated outstanding potential in scholarship, teaching, and/or professional leadership within Western Michigan University. The recipients shall have demonstrated a quality of performance that indicates that they will continue to develop into distinguished members of their profession.


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About the College of Education and Human Development

As the cornerstone of Western Michigan University, the College of Education and Human Development continues to build upon its rich tradition of excellence by facilitating the preparation and growth of pre K-12 teachers, human service professionals, innovative designers, and health and wellness specialists. Learn more about the programs offered from the College of Education and Human Development.