Oct. 17, 2017 College Curriculum Committee Meeting
CEHD 639 (AP) HPHE waiting for re-submission from Jim Lewis
CEHD 812 (AP) New Course CECP 6390 Co-Occurring Disorders and Addictions
CEHD 814 (SCC) SPLS Pre or Co-requisites LS 6300
CEHD 815 (SCC) SPLS Pre or Co-requisites LS 5100
CEHD 816 (SCC) HPHE New Course HPHE 6651
CEHD 817 (AP) HPHE Revised Program Graduate Sport Management
CEHD 823 (SCC) FCS Interior Design New Minor FCS 1500
CEHD 824 (SCC) FCS Interior Design New Minor FCS 1490
CEHD 825 (SCC) FCS Interior Design New Minor FCS 1560
CEHD 826 (SCC) FCS Interior Design New Minor FCS 1570
CEHD 827 (SCC) FCS Food Services Operations and Sustainability FCS 1650
CEHD 828 (SCC) FCS Interior Design New Minor FCS 2490
CEHD 829 (SCC) FCS Interior Design New Minor FCS 2510
CEHD 830 (SCC) FCS M.A. Seminar in Family and Consumer Sciences 6900
CEHD 831 (SCC/Misc.) FCS M.A. Textile and Apparel Studies FCS 6000
CEHD 832 (Misc. CC) TLES Elementary Education ED 3710 Deletion
CEHD 833 (SCC/Misc.) TLES Elementary Education ED 4500
CEHD 834 (SCC) HPHE Issues in Sports Media HPHE 6981 New Course