CEHD Hiring Request Form for Grants and FRACCA Awards
- The hiring request form provides the necessary information in order to facilitate the hiring process.
- Please note the hiring request form is to request to hire, it does NOT mean the hire is approved. A hire is not approved until an official letter of employment or contract is signed.
- Julie Boylan in the CEHD's Dean Office will facilitate the hiring process by obtaining necessary approvals and processing letters of employment or contracts.
- No work should be performed by the individual or service provided by an organization until the hire is officially processed with a signed letter of employment or independent contract.
If a student hire, please review the guidelines for maximum hours students are allowed to work among all WMU appointments.
Campus employment guidelines: https://wmich.edu/career/campus
All hiring request forms require Department Chair approval, regardless of funding source. Please provide your chairs email in the request form below.