Multicultural Advocate Award for Promoting Diversity

This award recognizes one individual who has made significant contributions to furthering diversity within the College at Western Michigan University.

Required materials:
One completed nomination form and one support form are required. Additional support forms are optional and will be accepted if submitted. If nomination and support forms are not fully complete, submissions will not be reviewed by Awards and Recognition Committee.


College of Education and Human Development faculty (tenured, tenure track, term or jointly-appointed), part-time and adjunct faculty, administrators and staff (full-time and part-time) are eligible for nomination. Individuals may not receive this award more than once in a five-year period.

Selection criteria

  1. Works to promote diversity to positively impact the culture and environment of the college.
  2. Serves as an outstanding role model for promoting diversity within the college.
  3. Demonstrates the highest standards of ethics within the college.
  4. Each nomination and supporting letter must be at least 350 words, with a maximum of 500.

View the selection rubric.

Selection process

Nominations are reviewed and selected by the College of Education and Human Development Awards and Recognition Committee. Award recipients will be notified by early April. Awards will be presented at the College of Education Awards and Recognition Celebration.

Nomination process

Nominations may originate from the dean or other college administrators, department chairs, program directors, department committees, individual faculty, staff or students. Self-nominations will not be accepted. Nominations and letters of support should clearly identify and document how the nominee meets each of the criteria listed above.

Questions may be directed to Amy Burns.

2024 Award Recipient

  • Dr. Brianne Pitts

2023 Award Recipient

  • Not awarded

2022 Award Recipient

  • Dr. Jill Hermann-Wilmarth

2021 Award Recipient

  • Dr. LaSonja Roberts

2020 Award Recipient

  • Not awarded

2019 Award Recipient

  • Dr. David Szabla

2018 Award Recipient

  • Dr. Joseph Morris

2017 Award Recipient

  • Melissa Holman

2016 Award Recipient

  • Dr. Donna Talbot

2015 Award Recipient

  • Ms. Jodie Palmer