Meet Doug: Exercise science


"I've had great experiences in the Western Heights dorms and I feel really close to everybody in my pod."

  • What is your name and involvement through WMU?

    My name is Doug Gettleson, and I'm a freshman in the exercise science major on a pre-professional clinical track. I'm currently involved in Phi Gamma Delta, the Lee Honors College, and I'm a student ambassador in the College of Education and Human Development.

  • Why did you choose exercise science?

    I chose exercise science because I love to work out, and I started getting into the science behind it. I got really interested in it and found out about physical therapy and realized that's what I wanted to do. 

  • How has it been living in the dorms?

    I live in Heights West and it's absolutely great. I've had great experiences there and I feel really close to everybody in my pod.

    They also have a cleaning crew that cleans the communal bathrooms three times a day, so that has been an added bonus!

  • What do you like most about the program?

    Being at a school where I'm going to be able to stay for graduate school is a great thing about Western's program.

  • Who is your favorite professor?

    My favorite professor so far I've had is Professor Raedy. She is always available to help you. You can talk to her about grades and for advice about your major. 

  • Why did you join the Lee Honors College?

    The main reason I joined the Honors College is because it looks really good as I go on to apply for careers in the future and it's helpful with picking classes. They have early course selection and its been one of the best benefits I have gotten from it. 

  • What would you like to do as a career?

    I actually have two dream careers. So my first would be to be an athletic physical therapist, work for a professional team, get to travel. But also I would like to work in an acute care facility at a hospital for disabled veterans. My dad's a disabled veteran, so helping people like him would be a big deal to me and something that hits close to home.

  • What has your experience been like as a Student Ambassador?

    It's one of the best things I've done and one of the best decisions I've made. I've gotten so much experience working with people, being able to answer questions and talk confidently in front of groups of people. I think that it's socially helped me progress.

    I think that it also is really helpful for organization because my organizational skills were decent, but I think that the job has definitely helped with time management.

  • Why would you recommend Western Michigan?

    As everybody says, Western has the big campus size with the small campus feel and there's always something to do.

Exercise science at WMU

This program is a scientifically-based curriculum which includes coursework in the basic sciences, the physiology and biomechanics of exercise, fitness assessment and exercise testing, exercise prescription and training, behavior modification and the clinical aspects of exercise. We offer three exercise science concentrations. 

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