Meet Moises: Special education


"When looking at different colleges, WMU was the only one that was supporting me even before I enrolled."

  • Why Western?

    Western is such a supporting school and supporting is a big thing for me. I believe if you don't have a school that's going to be there for you, at the end of the day, it's not going to be a good outcome for you. And when looking at different colleges, this was the only one that was supporting me even when I wasn't a student.

  • What got you interested in special and elementary education?

    I always felt like education was such a big and important factor in life. And growing up, I felt like my teachers weren't always respected and it kind of helped me create a bond with my teachers. Then with that personal relationship it helped me learn what I wanted to do for a career.

  • What has your experience been like in the classroom?

    My experiences in the classroom have been pretty good. I really enjoy my nature creativity class, which is a class that goes more in depth on creativity, especially in the classroom when you're teaching. And it's super important to always be in touch with your creativity side because if you're not, it could hurt you in the long run.

    I also really like my science and exploration course. It's a group based class and you get to learn about astronomy, the sun, the weather and clouds. 

  • What was the process like being a transfer student?

    When I started the process of transferring to WMU they made sure I was taking the right classes. I was also connected with an advisor from Western to make sure I was doing the right classes and making sure my credits were going to transfer. So it was really smooth.

    And if you had any questions, you could literally just call the Office of Admissions and they would pick up right away and they'd be like you have to do this or you have do that. 

  • What is it like being a first-get student?

    Being a first generation student is the most powerful feeling ever. My family's background is not super educational so all my siblings and l wanted to go to college for my mom. Everything's for our mom. I'm here for my mom. I want to be the one to be able to support her and that's my main reason for coming here.

  • How did you become involved with the college assistance migrant program?

    I was eligible for the college system migrant program (CAMP), because growing up, my mom worked in the blueberry farms and factories. And I would actually go and help her while I was growing up, which is a very important factor to being a participant because being a migrant worker is what is all about.

  • What is it like in CAMP?

    So this is my first semester with CAMP, and it's a really good program. It strives to make us feel like a family, which I really fell in love with when I first came. I was very nervous but the directors strive to make us create bonds with on another. Within the program, they help us all understand that we are one big family and that no matter what, we should always double check on each other.

Special education at WMU

The undergraduate special education program at Western Michigan University is an innovative and demanding preparation program preparing special education teachers to meet the unique needs of a diverse range of K-12 students with learning disabilities and emotional impairments. Candidates are prepared to implement evidence-based instructional practices promoting access to and success in the general education curriculum through assessment, intentional instruction, and evaluation. 

WMU College Assistance Migrant Program

CAMP students outside Sangren Hall
  • Overview

    The Western Michigan University College Assistance Migrant Program is a program federally funded by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Migrant Education. The program’s goal is to provide supportive services to migrant and seasonal farmworkers or their dependents, to assist them in the successful completion of their first year of college and persistence toward degree attainment. The program provides services and resources in the areas of academic guidance, career planning and development, intellectual and cultural enrichment, as well as financial assistance based on individual need. Program participants also receive follow-up services after successful completion of their first year. CAMP at WMU is housed in the Multicultural Affairs for Students department.

  • Services
    • Academic tracking
    • Individualized education plan
    • Career development
    • Financial assistance
    • Tutors and mentors
    • Renewable residence hall grant

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