Residence Hall Meal Plans
Students living in residence halls (Valleys, Western Heights and Henry) are required to have a meal plan unless their Housing contract is for a room in Britton/Hadley (Valley 1). Students choose their meal plan when they select their room in the Housing Portal, which is typically in June for incoming students. Please review the Residence Hall and Dining Services contract before signing up for Housing.
Meal Plan Choices

Bronco Gold Plus

Bronco Gold

Bronco 14
Meal Plan Components
Meal swipes
are the foundation of your meal plan and are used to access the dining centers, grab'n go, late-night and meal exchange. These meal swipes cannot be shared with others.
Dining Dollars
are a debit balance loaded onto your Bronco Card. Use Dining Dollars at Campus Cafes, Mi-Pi, Fuego Verde, Re-Fresh Market or Dining Centers to pay the door rate.
Guest Passes
may be used to bring family or friends into the dining center with you for meals.