Graduate Associate Faculty

Graduate associate faculty in the interdisciplinary Ph.D. in evaluation program at Western Michigan University consists of those members of the community who are eligible to actively participate in graduate education. Listed below are the faculty for this program and their research interests.

  • Dr. Leslie Cooksey—evaluation theory and meta-evaluation
  • Dr. E. Jane Davidson—evaluation theory and methodology, and organizational learning
  • Dr. Robin Miller—evaluation theory, method and practice; HIV and AIDS interventions; and community psychology
  • Dr. Michael Patton—utilization-focused evaluation, qualitative methods, and developmental evaluation
  • Mr. Jim Rugh—evaluation of international development programs, participatory evaluation, and evaluation methods
  • Dr. Craig Russon—evaluation of international development programs and evaluation standards
  • Dr. James Sanders—integration of evaluation thinking and behavior into organizations and countries where evaluation is not practiced
  • Dr. Pamela Zeller—pre-K-12 education, school reform, impact of interventions on student achievement, special education, community health and substance abuse