Dr. David Szabla's Research and Publications


Szabla, D. B.,  Pasmore, W., Barnes, M., & Gipson, A. (2017). The Palgrave handbook of organizational change thinkers (2nd edition). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 

Szabla, D. B.,  Pasmore, W., Barnes, M., & Gipson, A. (2017). The Palgrave handbook of organizational change thinkers (1st edition). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. 

This two-volume set introduces the reader to the treasures of thought about change in organizations by providing a clear and concise overview of key developments from Lewin to Scharmer. Through the use of inspiring and thought-provoking profiles of prominent organizational change thinkers, the book highlights significant advancements in how organizational change has been conceived, theorized, researched, and practiced. Each profile captures the personal background of a legendary thinker and then presents his or her important contributions, key insights, and major legacies. The book is unique in that it captures in one manuscript the concepts, theories, and models of the sages who invented, built, and advanced the research and practice of change in organizations. 

Refereed Journal Articles

Schaffer, E., Bustillos, A., Oswalt, A. & Szabla, D. B. (2020). Professional identity development among the renowned women of organization change. Research in organizational change and development (Volume 28). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group.

Szabla, D. B., & Dardick, W. (2016). The perception of change strategy scale: Validating the measure. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 24, 83-111. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0897-301620160000024004

Szabla, D. B., Stefanchin, J., & Warner, L. (2014). Connecting organizational change content and change strategy: Has theory become practice? Research in Organizational Change and Development, 21, 99-140. https://doi.org/10.1108/S0897-301620140000022004

Schwandt, D. R., & Szabla, D. B. (2013). Structuration theories and complex adaptive systems: Inroads to describing human interaction dynamics. Special Issue of Emergence: Complexity and Organization, 15(4), 1-20.  

Hurst, R., & Szabla, D. B. (2010). Acculturation in cross-border acquisitions: A theoretical framework for dissecting the process. International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management, 9(12), 147-166. https://doi.org/10.18848/1447-9524/CGP/v09i12/49851

Szabla, D. B. (2007). A multidimensional view of resistance: Exploring cognitive, emotional, and intentional responses to planned organizational change across different change leadership strategies, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 18(4), 525-558. https://doi.org/10.1002/hrdq.1218

Chapters in Books

Szabla, D. B. (2016). Ron Lippitt: The master of planned change. In D. B. Szabla, W. Pasmore, M. Barnes, & A. Gipson (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of organizational change thinkers (pp. 765-785). New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

Schwandt, D. R., & Szabla, D. B. (2007). System structuring and leadership: Coevolution or mutual evolution towards complexity? In J. K. Hazy, J. A. Goldstein, & B. B. Lichtenstein (Eds.), Complex systems leadership theory (pp. 35-60). Mansfield, MA: ISCE  Publishing. 

Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations

Szabla, D. B., Dardick, W., & Devlin, J. (2016, August). The perception of strategy scale: Validating the measure. Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Canada. 

Szabla, D. B., McDonald, P., Barnes, M., & W. Lundblad. (2015, October). A comparative historical analysis of the perplexing construct of leadership. Proceedings of the 2014 International Leadership Association Conference, San Diego, CA. 

Szabla, D. B., Stefanchin, J., & Warner, L. (2014, August). Connecting organizational change content and change strategy: Has theory become practice? Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Management Conference, Organization Development and Change Division, Boston, MA. 

Meneses, L., & Szabla, D. B. (2013, August). Developing intercultural competence in higher education. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change Management in Organizations, Vancouver, British Columbia. 

Szabla, D. B. (2012, August). The human reaction system. Proceedings of the 2012 Academy of Management Conference, Organization Development and Change Division, Boston, MA. 

Szabla, D. B. (2012, July). Resistance to change: Seeing it differently. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, Chicago, IL. 

Szabla, D. B., Stefanchin, J., Warner, L., & Robinson, M. (2010). Organizational change content and change leadership strategy: What is the connection? Paper presented at the 2010 New Horizon’s Research Conference, The George Washington University, Ashburn, VA. 

Hurst, R., & Szabla, D. B. (2009, July). Culture’s influence: Acculturation in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, Boston, MA. 

Szabla, D. B. (2009, July). The human reaction and action system. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, Boston, MA. 

Szabla, D. B., & Weaver, T. (2008, December). Linking performance reviews to continuous system improvement. Proceedings of the 1st European Reward Management Conference, Brussels, Belgium. 

Szabla, D. B. (2007, February). A multidimensional view of resistance: Exploring cognitive, emotional, and intentional responses to planned organizational change across different change leadership strategies. Proceedings of the 2007 International Academy of Human Resources Development Research Conference, Indianapolis, IN. 


Szabla, D. B., & McDonald, P. (2015, July). Comparative historical research: A research methodology for understanding the shifting, perplexing, and curious field of leadership. International Leadership Association Member Connector, Silver Spring, MD. 


Szabla, D. B., A Multidimensional View of Resistance: Exploring Cognitive, Emotional, and Intentional Responses to Planned Organizational Change across Different Change Strategies. (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses database. (3237042). 

Professional Development Workshops

Doctoral Consortium Presenter

Szabla, D. B. (2017, August). Creating Knowledge Responsibly During Doctoral Studies. Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Management Conference, Management Consulting Division, Atlanta, GA.

Szabla, D. B. (2016, August). Improving Doctoral Research: Harnessing Disruption and Transformation. Proceedings of 2016 Academy of Management Conference, Management Consulting Division, Chicago, Il.

Szabla, D. B. (2015, August). Creating Knowledge Reflectively During Doctoral Studies. Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Management Conference, Management Consulting Division, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Szabla, D. B. (2014, August). Linking Doctoral Studies with Careers Using Practical Scholarship. Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Management Conference, Management Consulting Division, Philadelphia, PA. 

Szabla, D. B. (2014, August). Research in Organizational Change and Development: Trajectories and Insights of ROCD Volume 22 Authors. Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Management Conference, Organizational Development and Change Division, Philadelphia, PA. 

Workshop Designer and Facilitator

Szabla, D. B. (2015, August). Management consulting in the rough: Applying complexity to consulting, Research, and Teaching. Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Management Conference, Management Consulting Division, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Szabla, D. B. (2014, August). Management consulting in the rough: Forging new connections among industry and academic researchers. Proceedings of the 2014 Academy of Management Conference, Management Consulting Division,Philadelphia, PA. 

Szabla, D. B. (2013, August). Management consulting in the rough: Linking research and practice to address organizational concerns. Proceedings of the 2013 Academy of Management Conference, Management Consulting Division, Lake Buena Vista, FL. 

Conference Paper Session Chair 

Szabla, D. B. (2016, August). Organizational innovation. Proceedings of 2016 Academy of Management Conference, Organizational Change and Development Division, Chicago, IL.

Szabla, D. B. (2015, August). New systems and network perspectives on change. Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Management Conference, Organizational Change and Development Division, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Szabla, D. B. (2015, August). Change, mobility and inclusion in management consulting. Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Management Conference, Organizational Change and Development Division, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Szabla, D. B. (2015, August). Making sense of complexity in management consulting. Proceedings of the 2015 Academy of Management Conference, Vancouver, Organizational Change and Development Division, British Columbia, Canada.

Szabla, D. B. (2012, August). Change and the interplay of dualities. Proceedings of 2012 Academy of Management Conference, Organizational Change and Development Division, Boston, MA.

Szabla, D. B. (2012, August). Alternative models in the leadership of change. Proceedings of 2012 Academy of Management Conference, Organizational Change and Development Division, Boston, MA.

Symposium Chair 

Szabla, D. B. (2018, August). The betterment of organizations: Lessons from Palgrave handbook of organizational change thinkers. Proceedings of the 2018 Academy of Management Division, Organizational Change and Development Division, Chicago, IL.

Szabla, D. B. (2017, August). The Palgrave Handbook of Organizational Change Thinkers Launch. Proceedings of the 2017 Academy of Management Conference, Organizational Change and Development Division, Atlanta, GA.


Szabla, D. B. (2014, August). Workplace Learning: How Learning Online is Impacting the Organization. (2014) Eastern Academy of Management, 48th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. 


Szabla, D. B. (Principal Investigator). (2019). Examining positive system change: An inter-level structuration investigation of a health care innovation. Submitted to Western Michigan University, College of Education and Human Development Grant Program Amount requested: $2,000. (Submitted and Awarded)

Szabla, D. B. (Principal Investigator). (2009). The human reaction and action system. Validating a change-recipient organizational transformation model. Submitted to IBM Center for the Business of Government. Amount requested: US$ 20,000. (Submitted and Denied)

Szabla, D. B. (Principal Investigator). (2008). Becoming a global leader: A phenomenological study that captures the experience of learning to become a global leader. Submitted to SHRM Foundation. Amount requested: US$ 90,000. (Submitted and Denied)

Szabla, D. B. (Principal Investigator). (2006). Managing change: The development and validation of the Receptivity to Organizational Change Scale. Submitted to IBM Center for the Business of Government. Amount requested: US$ 20,000. (Submitted and Denied)