*EDLD 6060 – Organizational Change for Complex Systems
*EDLD 6650 - Principles and Practices of Adult Learning
*Note: for EDLD 6060 and EDLD 6650, other course(s) may be taken at WMU as approved by advisor.
Option 2: K-12 School Administrator Certificate: Building Level Endorsement
(the following 27 credits, of which 24 credits must be taken at WMU after admission to the program)
EDLD 6300 – Data-Informed Decision-Making, Research and Evaluation
EDLD 6610 – School Law & Ethics
EDLD 6620 – School Business Management
EDLD 6640 – Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment Leadership
EDLD 6670 – The Principalship
EDLD 6730 – Instructional Leadership and Supervision
EDLD 6740 – School Community Relations and Cultural Competence
EDLD 6793 – Principal Internship I
EDLD 6794 – Principal Internship II
Option 3: Specialized program
Depending on a student's goals, a specialist in education program of study (equaling at least 24 credits taken at WMU after admission to the program) other than the list of courses noted above may be developed by that student's adviser. This will not lead to State Administrator Certification.