School Administrator Certificate: Central Office Endorsement
New: Potential course credits now available via Prior Learning Assessments (PLA). Learn more.
The Michigan Department of Education requires all school administrators to hold a valid School Administrator Certificate, and many school districts require their central office leaders to also have a Central Office Endorsement. Students can obtain the Central Office endorsement by completing WMU’s Ed.S. or Ph.D. in Educational Leadership: K-12 Leadership concentration.
This certificate is for individuals who already have a master’s degree, and are seeking to obtain the state’s Administrator Certification: Central Office Endorsement by taking the 21 required credits beyond the master’s degree.
However, not all students want to obtain an additional graduate degree. Instead, they can obtain the Central Office endorsement by completing at least 21 credits post-MA (with such credits approved by the Michigan Department of Education). All required courses are offered fully online.
Admission requirements
Applicants to this graduate certificate must have a completed master’s degree prior to beginning the credits toward the certificate. Specific application requirements and the application link can be found on the website of the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology.
Admission procedures
Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis. Admission decisions take approximately two weeks after all materials are received.
Note: To complete many course assignments, and to have a mentor for an administrator internship, applicants must be employed within a K-12 setting OR have access to a school district setting.
To apply for this central office certificate, prospective students should apply within the WMU online application system. Below is a list of the items that will need to be included in the application.
- A resume or curriculum vitae (CV) is required and must be submitted within the online application system.
- Written statement. A statement which covers the following information in a two-page, typed, double-spaced document. Present your rationale and fit for pursuing the certificate. Please note that this statement is also viewed as a writing sample.
Program requirements
A program of study consisting of 21 credits as noted below (or equivalents) is required. In addition to this WMU certificate, a student can be recommended to receive the state certification/central office endorsement.
- EDLD 6800 – District-level Governance and Community Relations
- EDLD 6810 – District-level Policy, Equity & Ethics
- EDLD 6830 – District-level Personnel Practices (formerly EDLD 6630)
- EDLD 6840 – District-level Finance and Operations (formerly EDLD 6720)
- EDLD 6850 – District-level Instructional Leadership and Assessment
- EDLD 6855 – District-level Internship (formerly EDLD 7120)
- *EDLD 6060 – Organizational Change for Complex Systems or EDLD 6650 - Principles and Practices of Adult Learning or Elective as Approved by Advisor
Multi-Year Course Offering/Planning Tools