Business Forms and College Policies and Procedures
College of Education and Human Development
- Award start-up, maintenance and expenditures expectations list
- Cell phone policy and agreement
- Community engagement form
- Dispositions Inventory
- Faculty travel funding request
- General funding
- Instructional development grant application
- Marketing and promotion release form
- Plan to Initiate New External Grant Proposal
- Social media guidelines
- Staff professional development funding request
- Travel, meal and entertainment procedures
Western Michigan University
- Academic event approval form
- Business form list
- Class coverage sheet
- Committee appointment
- Course needs form for registrar
- Curriculum change (process and form)
- Department number change request
- Dispositions—Professional concerns conference record
- Faculty Senate forms
- Graduate faculty nomination
- General Ledger Operating Web
- Human resources forms
- Marketing project request
- Outside employment
- Payroll forms
- Physical Plant repair
- RefWorks
- Research forms
- Section schedule changes (formerly "pink sheets")
- Staples order
- Student employment eligibility
- Technology policy
- Time sheet
- Travel disbursements