The Basics
Summer school housing for 2025 is available in Britton/Hadley.
- Contract is for summer I, summer II or both sessions.
- Meal-plan optional. Plans available for summer 1, summer II or both.
- Air conditioning provided in some main-floor lounges.
- Free on-site laundry.
- Large in-hall kitchen.
Living options are available for a fee between your current hall closing and summer school as well as between summer school closing and residence halls opening in the fall.
Notice: Summer students will hear construction noise as construction continues on the new building by the Valley Dining Center. We want residents to be aware of the potential disruption.
How to Sign-up
Summer housing sign up begins March 9, 2025. Use the direct housing portal link or go to GoWMU and under the My Self Service section on the left choose the link "Residence Life Housing." Select the summer housing option.
Room assignments are made as students arrive to check in to their summer hall.
Summer I session
Room | |
Bronco 14 meal plan | $2,754 |
No meal plan | $1,459 |
Summer II session
Room | |
Bronco 14 meal plan | $2,754 |
No meal plan | $1,459 |
Both summer I and summer II sessions
Room | |
Bronco 14 meal plan | $5,508 |
No meal plan | $2,918 |
An EcoMax Fridge is a combination microwave, freezer and refrigerator. Students staying for summer may rent an EcoMax Fridge for $129.99 (plus $30 deposit refunded when the unit is returned). To make arrangements, contact MyCollegeFridge at (866) 651-5638.

Apartment space for new contracts is not guaranteed during the summer. Refer to the sign-up calendar for dates for the different complexes. Apartments are designated as male, female or coed, as well as furnished or unfurnished.
Stadium Drive Apartments
Summer is a four-month contract covering Summer I and II.
- New apartment residents: You must be enrolled and taking at least 1 credit hour the semester that you move in. For example, if you are only taking Summer II classes, you cannot move in Summer I.
- Current apartment residents: If you are a resident spring semester and have a contract for the upcoming fall, you are not required to be enrolled for either summer session. If you do not have a contract for fall, you must be enrolled for at least one credit hour for Summer II.
To view apartment eligibility, click here.
Spindler Hall
Summer is a four-month contract covering Summer I and II.
- New Spindler residents: You must be enrolled and taking at least 1 credit hour the semester that you move in. For example, if you are only taking Summer II classes, you cannot move in Summer I.
Current Spindler residents: If you are a resident spring semester and have a contract for the upcoming fall, you are not required to be enrolled for either summer session. If you do not have a contract for fall, you must be enrolled for at least one credit hour for Summer II.