T-shirt Choice 2022

Here are the two designs under consideration for a Sindecuse Health Center giveaway at Bronco Bash 2022. 

Choice A displays many of the sub-services we offer. Choice B was first used in 2015 and would not be recalled as a "rerun" by very many students at all.  Both shirts would have a current WMU Sindecuse Health Center logo on the upper back. The lighter color in each choice may be changed to a WMU gold to save cost and allow a gold logo on the back. 

Experience has shown that while students say they like a colorful shirt, they are more frequently seen wearing a duller color that hides dirt. 

Vote for the shirt you think more students would wear.  

Download a PDF to see choice A in greater detail.  Remember, it's not final, still needs some tweaking. Send feedback to shc-marketing@wmich.edu.
