Allergy Shots

If you need allergy injections to maintain a desensitization schedule prescribed by an allergist, we can help. Health center nursing staff administer allergy serum if a patient has completed some preliminary steps.

First-time allergy patients

Your first injection from a new vial must be administered at your allergist's office. We cannot administer a first injection. Please see your allergist to begin your desensitization schedule. We are happy to provide injections after that. To start, we will need clear instructions from your allergist that include:

  • Patient name and date of birth
  • Up-to-date injection schedule
  • Serum concentration, antigens, and expiration date
  • Frequency and dosage amount
  • Late instructions for missed injections
  • Reaction history as well as treatment for local and systemic reactions
  • Last injection recorded with strength and dosage amount

Have your allergist fax these instructions to our fax inbox (888) 979-8229. Mark the fax "Attention: allergy nurse".

At your appointment

After completing the steps above and after we have received the required instructions, a nurse will call you to set up an appointment. Patients receiving first-time injections at Sindecuse Health Center are asked to schedule a 30-minute initial allergy appointment with a registered nurse. At this appointment, we will review your physician's orders and your medication history. Your nurse will explain Sindecuse Health Center's allergy injection policy. 

  • Check in at registration with your health insurance card and identification.
  • Bring your allergist's instructions and bottles of antigen.
  • The nurse will administer the injection.
  • Plan to wait at the health center after your injection for the time specified by your allergist to ensure that you do not have a reaction to your antigen. Reactions are rare but if they occur, nurses and doctors are available to provide you with effective emergency care. 
  • If a delayed reaction occurs, please return to the health center. If we are closed, go to a hospital emergency room or an immediate care center.

Subsequent allergy shots

Make an appointment online by selecting allergy established from the nursing appointments list or call (269) 387-3287 to schedule a time convenient for you. Allow ample time around your class schedule to include the required waiting time after an injection.